Colors: The colors of direction/black/white/red/yellow These colors would be amazing for accent décor. Zinsser/Burnt Hickory Black/Cherry Blossom White/Roasted Red Pepper/Butter Cookie Yellow

Value of Concentration:  Be willing to follow His lead.

Memory Verse:  Good Shepherd, rescue me.

Good Morning ABBA, Father,

It’s 8 a.m….. and the sun will soon be shining its glories to the heavens. I’m here on the porch with You and my Cup of Fancy (a teapot filled with Irish Breakfast Tea, and two blueberry scones).

The 23rd Psalm is my all time favorite scripture in The Holy Bible.  Years ago, as I suffered from severe postpartum, I memorized it.

In doing so, I felt as if You were hovering over me…loving me…keeping my mind in perfect peace…. wherever I went.

How many times, Good Shepherd have I cried out to you? Losing my sister two years ago, left a huge hole in my heart.

As I look to the side of the porch, I see my Sister’s Orange Day Lillies, blazing in the morning sun.  How I miss my Family.  I am the remaining One.

However, You Father fill the holes within my heart. I am so blessed with my immediate family, and my God Squad Sisters, one of which shared an hilarious story of rescue.

My Squad sister, Sandy, had not used her AAA rescue service within the last 7 years.  One day last week, her car wouldn’t start. 

She called AAA, they got her started, and sent her on her way to get a new battery installed.

This had turned her plans for the day upside down, but it was just a small hitch.

After settling the grandkids, she headed to the grocery, later in the day. 

God has such a sense of humor. On the way home she got a flat tire. For the second time in one day she called AAA. LOL; The Shepherd to the rescue! 

With you by my side, I can walk through the valley of the shadow of death…..and no evil will touch me.  I can walk through any trauma, in peace…for Thou Art With Me.

I recently became totally aware of how your indwelling peace works.

Last fall, we were informed that my best friend’s husband was terminal with cancer.  

He just recently passed away. As his demise was coming closer, she shone with a peace that was beyond human understanding.  It was You, ABBA, indwelling her with The Holy Spirit.  Praise You for the discernment, given by The Paraclete.

She is now the perfect example of how one rests in You.

Thank You, ABBA, for your discernment, opening my mind to your truth, and blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: THE 23RD PSALM says it all. The most  important thing, is that you let go and release your life to Me.  Allow Me to hold your hand, and follow MY lead.

I love you,

ABBA, Father

Psalm 139:10 Even there your hand will guide me. Your right hand will hold me fast.

Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who fear you.

Isaiah 41:10  “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.