Colors: Greens and Blues are colors that release anxiety and bring peace to the soul. Zinsser Smart Coat Colors: Cucumber Cooler Green/Clear Skies Blue/Bubble Bath Blue

Value of Concentration: I praise You, ABBA, for you protect me and give me rest.

Memory Verse: I lie down in peaceful slumber.

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

I awakened this morning refreshed, which isn’t always the case.  As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Pumpkin Spice Tea), I am ready to share my sleep regimen.

We all live in an insane world with kids, families, careers, and Woke Politics running rampant. It’s often hard to calm our minds to get a restful nights sleep. The evil one loves to get within our minds, and wildly stir things up. Stay away from listening to the news, especially at bedtime.

One of the most important things that I am assured of is that You, ABBA, are on the Throne….You are in control.

Along with rest comes prayer. I am absolutely convinced that the app HALLOW, is one of the best libraries of prayers and sleep stories, to calm one’s spirit.

As we all age, many of us find it difficult to fall asleep, or stay asleep. Melatonin is extremely helpful. 

Certain foods hinder sleep.  I can’t do chocolate or caffeine in the evening. Usually the only caffeine I do have is chocolate. LOLOL!  I hear my mama talking to me. She always had a can of chocolate candy in the fridge. Also certain medications can make me a deer in headlights; therefore, I stay clear of them.

When I was still teaching, I had no chance to nap during the day. Therefore, all of the energy I filtered into my Kindergarten Class and my son’s football games made sure, that I slept like a lamb. However, I try not to nap during the day, at present, unless I’m ill.

HERE’S THE CREAM:  Suggestions that have worked for me:

* Read Psalms or watch a low active tv show; something soothing.

*Listen to Hallow Sleep Stories or music.

*Listen to the app Calm…. I love to fall asleep listening to falling rain.

*Drink Chamomille Tea or something similar.

*Take Melatonin

Most of all pray, I listen to my Hallow Prayers, often as I fall asleep.

Get your mind aligned with The Holy Spirit…calm yourself down…..and lie down in peace.

ABBA, some of us awaken to use the restroom, and then it’s difficult to fall back to sleep. Praise You, for my HALLOW Prayers that place me in the doze zone.

Praise You, Father, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: Matt 11:28-30 Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

The only True Rest comes through Me.  Once your mind is all disheveled by the world, it’s difficult to calm your thoughts.  Your mind is only transformed by my Holy Word, and building a relationship with Jesus Christ, as your Savior.  I AM YOUR REST! I love you.



Psalm 92:1-2 It is good to praise The Lord and make music to your name, O Most High God, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.

Psalm 36:5-7 Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.  Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep.  O Lord, You preserve both man and beast.  How priceless is your unfailing love!  Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety.