August 7

Colors: Reds and purples represent the powers in The Name of Jesus. Smartcoat combinations/ Bordeaux/Debonair/Cheeky to pop a neutral

Value of Concentration: There is Power in The Name of Jesus.

Memory Verse: Your Name is above All Names.

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

I hear the song,”The Heat Is On,” playing in my head. Yep, it’s gonna be a scorcher today: 95. I’m on the couch with my lap top, and the air is on already at 9a.m. My puppies can’t take the heat, so not much outside playtime today.

As I sip my Cup of Fancy (strawberry lemonade..lots of ice) in Your Presence, I whisper the Name of Jesus.

Ok, many people would think that I’m a wack job; however, whispering His name several times a day(yes, I’m OCD) brings peace and calm to my spirit.

*When I awaken..

*When my feet hit the floor……

*As I prepare for my day….

*Praying for my family and daily devotions…..

*Seeking guidance for decisions throughout the day…..

*During daily prayer……

*Praying against Woke, evil politics, and blessings for America……..(Yes, He is on the throne and in charge)

*Prayer over my children/grandchildren/….

*Praising and proclaiming Your Glory with my Bible Study Sisters, The God’s Squad……

*Before bed…..


How often His precious Name is misused; how often I have repented for being one of those individuals in the past.

His is the name above all names, and at the Second Coming, after the 7 year tribulation, every knee will bow, and proclaim Him Lord.

I love the fact that this is a simple trick/habit to build. Every morning before my students arrived, I’d bless my classroom, say His Name several times, and pray that I would reflect him during the day;”Lord Jesus, please allow my thoughts, words, and actions to reflect you this day.

Remember, when you are in a situation of trauma or illness…say the Name of Jesus.. and you will get rest for your soul.

ABBA, I am so blessed, to be able to share your glory with others. Praise You, for teaching me how to be able to build a relationship with You. Thank You, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: You hear Me whisper as you call on the Name of Jesus: I am here.  You are mine.  I’ll whisper your name, my Little One, and hold you in the palm of my hand. My Son’s Name is the Name above all Names. Through his sacrifice on the cross, for the payment of sin, the gates of heaven and eternity were opened. Grace, that is greater than all of your sin, flows over you.

To begin a relationship with My Son, Jesus Christ is simple,  Invite the Holy Spirit to come into your heart. Then begin a daily habit of soaking your mind in the Holy Scriptures. The change and transformation that will come upon your thoughts, words, and actions, will be miraculous.

I love you,


ABBA, Father

Proverbs 18:10 The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower; the righteous run to it and are saved.

Matt.11:28 “Come to Me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Psalm 73:23-24 Yet, You are always with me; You guide me with your counsel. You hold me by my right hand. And afterward you take me to glory.