June 19

Colors: I’m really going to blow your mind with this one. All colors are Smartcoat.Amber-Marigold-the glory of God, judgment upon sin, endurance. Orange- Dreamsicle-the Fire of God, deliverance, passionate praise. Fuchsia- Watermelon-Right relationship with God. Scarlett-Lobster Boil- Royalty, fine linen for tabernacle. Red-Red My Mind-Blood of Jesus, love of God, blood of The Lamb, atonement, salvation.

Value of Concentration: Stay in The God Zone.

Memory Verse: My mind is one with You, Lord.

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

Staying in the God Zone, is a simple thing. Basically, you have a plan for my life(Jeremiah 29:11). Living a Christian life is not always easy. However, the joy, strength, and peace it brings to my character, made my life turn a 180…when God opened His Living Word to me after a serious illness at 30 years old.

My book, THE ERSTWHILE ACORN, described a young woman raised within rules, rules, more rules, and legalism, in the 50’s-60’s era. In my mind, no matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough.

At the age of 50, I hooked with my soulmate, Gracie, who was also raised in a different legalistic mess. Together, Jesus found us, through nondenominational worship.  Needless to say, God lifted us…and GRACE POURED OVER US. We finally got the TRUTH. The colors of heaven poured upon us, brilliantly:

*Amber: The glory of God, His patience and endurance of carrying me.

*Orange: The Fire of God and the passionate praise that exudes within those, filled with The Holy Spirit.

*Fuchsia: The only way to live as a Christian, is to build a relationship with Him.

*Scarlett- I am a Royal Heir to the Kingdom of God.

*Red: The Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ…covers all my sin; past, present, future.

THE GOD ZONE IS AN AMAZING PLACE TO LIVE.  I am washed with His Grace. He paid for it all. Romans 8 There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

As I go about my day, I sing praises to You, ABBA, for all of your blessings.  You are my true Father. Even my very messed up, earthly father was a believer. I know that one day, I will see him in heaven, only because of GRACE. 

Thank You, Father, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: Yes…the colors of heaven pour upon all of my children who seek Me. Every time you see MY RAINBOW,(not the sinful, one that represents sodomy),know that my love pours over you. As you go about your day, notice how I have colored your environment…the azure blue skies, rivers, and seas; the beautiful greens of trees, plants, and multicolored flowers and sunsets.  I also color personalities differently, for my glory. Seek me….and I can pour colors upon you that will aid you in your marriage, careers, and earthly relationships. My hues of heavenly colors will allow you to grow spiritually, emotionally, and help you to gain mental security.

Living in the God Zone is a gift, because you live in my omnipresence.  I live near to those, who live near to Me.  Know that I am a gracious and compassionate God.  I love you more than you could possibly imagine.  You are mine.


ABBA, Father

Psalm 141:8 BUT my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge-do not give me over to death.

Isaiah 48:17 This is what the Lord, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says:”I am the Lord your God who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.

Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.