MAY 15

Colors:…white.. add a color to accent/pink/ for rest and femininity/ Smartcoat/ Carolina Foothills Black/Angelic White/First Date Pink.

Value of concentration. The promises of God, within His Holy Word, demolishes fear. 

Memory Verse: I am fearless in Your Presence.

Good Morning ABBA, Father,

“Summer Breeze…makes me feel fine….blowing through the jasmine in my mind.” OK, I’m a kid of he ‘60’s-70’s music era(Seals and Croft).

Turning my Cup Of Fancy into iced tea these days. Peach Tea this morning with a wedge of lemon.

FEARLESS..MMMMM; how do I maintain that mind frame in a troubled world? The ONLY WAY this Old Girl knows how to survive, is by carrying Jesus, inside me, beside me, before me, and behind me.

All I can tell you, Father, is that through my past experiences of trauma and anxiety, You taught me how to keep calm. Before YOU…..I was a train wreck; however, You taught me to become Fearless.

By delving into your Holy Word..writing down scriptures, memorizing scriptures, and building those thoughts into my psyche, I defeated the darkness, and you better believe I still work at it constantly.

By recognizing the fact that Your Holy Spirit indwells me, I am given a peace, and strength for survival, like no other.

The other day, a situation came upon me.  I said to myself,”Before you react, be exact.” Then I prayed,”ABBA, fill me with your strength, peace, and wisdom. You’ve GOT THIS, FATHER, and will lead me through it.” Praise You, ABBA, the problem was resolved, at least within my emotions. I am waiting upon the Lord, to resolve our family trauma, at his perfect time.

If you are afraid of doing a specific activity, Joyce Meyer’s Book, DO IT AFRAID,  will give you some enlightenment.

Forty-five years ago, after I came out of the darkness from severe postpartum depression, my father handed me a book by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale entitled,


It made my mind do a total 360.  My first scripture that I ever read out of the Bible, on my own, was the following: “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me the strength.” 

There was no Bible reading/study within my denomination within the 50’s-60’s era. When I read the above passage for the first time, You spoke to me.”My Word is alive and can heal. Seek me like the woman with the issue of blood.” 

From that day on, I began piece by piece, step by step, to delve into your Holy Word. My story,(The Erstwhile Acorn) will knock your socks off. God spoke boldly to me three times, from the Book of Habakkuk; …”for I am going to do something in your day, that you would not believe….write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets, so that a herald may run with it.”

Therefore, here I am, writing His revelations; trust me, I could never do this on my own.

Father, I am so blessed that I can walk in your presence. You have promised me that You are on my side, ABBA; therefore, I cannot be defeated.(Romans 8:37;Psalm 91;Philippians 4:13)

Thank You, for bringing me to the reality that You are my true Father. Thank You, for blessing me this.

MY CHILD: As a Mother, you know the love and tenderness you have for your children. As YOUR TRUE FATHER, I love, protect, heal your emotions, as well as your body, and bring you salvation, through my Son Jesus Christ.

Keeping your mind within My Holy Word and teachings, brings courage, strength, wisdom, and rest.

An earthly father, should be a HERO!  Sadly that is not the case, in many situations. Sin has destroyed the true American family. However, I sent My Son, Jesus, to save mankind; all they need to do is receive Him.

Cling to Me and my Word…and you will become fearless in My Presence.

I love you.


ABBA, Father

Phil 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in prayer petition, and thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Isaiah 26: You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee-because he trusts in you.

Thess. 3:16 Now may the Lord of Peace himself, give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.