Change Your Thinking and Get Busy

Often times either Mother Nature or her little creatures, teach us lessons. So is the case with Petie and Sadie, our Chocolate Lab Litter Mates.

These pups have grown up so fast, they were becoming restless and hard to control. Twice, when we had come home, they had literally gnawed holes in the wall. Sadie was also becoming infamous at trying to take things off the counters.

I needed to change their paradigm very quickly. They needed an area to run, play, and wear out their energy.

In comes Chip to the rescue, my Invisible Fence Hero. The pups play so hard outside most of the day, that when they come inside, they fall over with exhaustion. No more holes in the wall…they now have better things to do.

Pets teach us so many life lessons. How often do we allow a problem to gnaw at us, until we’re emotionally exhausted? Years ago, I changed my paradigm to become the teacher I was meant to be.

I changed my thinking, got busy, and went back to school. Thus I retired as a 30 year educator in 2014. When one sits around and frets about one’s life, things become dark and depressing.

Take ahold of the situation and jump into life. Learn a new trade, make new friends, join a new church, or get a new job.

Now I’m blogging, writing, painting, traveling, reading, spending grandma time, remodeling, playing with girlfriends, working a few days a month, and keeping my calendar full. As I tell those friends and acquaintances who will soon retire: “You’ll be so busy .You’ll wonder how you ever had time to work.”

DON’T GNAW AT THE WALL….sitting around worrying and waiting for your life to happen.


Take a risk. You’ll be amazed how God will step into your plan and begin to remold your life.


May you clearly hear God’s voice….and be inspired to make a choice….that will reignite your life!




  1. Ruth | 24th Apr 17

    Love your insight,Ma Cutler!! Now if we could get your foster son to get ahold of the paradigm shift 😐

    • | 1st May 17

      Love you guys so much! Can’t wait to spend a weekend with you this summer. I will call you when I get back from my trip to Mount Rushmore. Love you bunches! God is good!

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