Seek Him Like The Woman……..With The Issue Of Blood.

Zec.2:13 Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused Himself from His Holy Dwelling.

2 Chron. 16:9 For the eyes of The Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

Psalm 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; beside restful waters He leads me. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans that I have for you.” Says the Lord. “Plans not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 33:3 Call on me and I will answer you, and tell you great and wonderful things you do not know.

Years ago, these words were spoken over me; “He wants you to pursue Him, as did the woman with the issue of blood.”

In my book, I’ll relate all of my spiritual experiences that led me to blogging/authoring. Trust me, the “Young Catholic Guilt Sue,” would never be doing anything like this.

In the stillness, is when He speaks to you. He’ll get rid of your unhealthy thoughts, and rebuild your life. My motto: “START DRINKING…in His Word…and GET RID OF THE UGLY THINKING!” I am one who knows how well this works, first hand.

Recently, I have a very close friend, whose husband was suddenly incarcerated. He will be sent away for some time.

Needless to say, he left her with a lot of debt, and she has lost everything.
*She has filed for divorce, and many are supporting her in building a new life.
*The last child is going off to college.
*She lost all hope.
*My husband and I have really taken her and the daughter(Former K Kid) under our wings. BUT GOD……

Last week, she texted me. “ I have a favor to ask.” “Will you go with me to purchase a Bible?” “ I really feel that God is calling me into a deep relationship with Him.”

So one day last week, we went to Barns and Noble. I purchased JESUS CALLING . It is a daily devotional that really changed my life. So I purchased one for her, as a gift.

On the way home, after our visit to Cracker Barrel, we had a soul-searching conversation.

She questioned. ”You say He speaks to you.” “How will I know when He speaks to me?” Laughingly, I answered. “Sweetheart, you already hear Him.” “You knew that you were to begin seeking Him like the woman with the issue of blood.” “You knew that you needed to purchase a Bible, and get serious in your Faith.”

Then I hit the Nitty Gritty. Once you get close to Him, and you allow the Holy Spirit to take over your life, expect the following.”
*He’ll guide your path.
*He’ll transform your mind.
*Join a church community and you’ll build a new family.
*You’ll eventually be out of debt and possibly be able to buy a home in the future.
*He’ll make connections for you that you never dreamed possible.
AND IN 10 YEARS….You will be a counselor to someone, just as I am for you. God will use you powerfully to rebuild lives. COUNT ON IT…I KNOW HOW MY GOD WORKS!

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the minds and hearts of those who seek to destroy our nation. Bring them to Your Holy Word that will transform their
minds and hearts through Christ Jesus. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith