Becoming Jono Dono

Psalm 1:1-5 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners, or set in the seat of mockers. But his delight is on the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of living water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

I was blessed. God sent me a Guardian Angel at the right time in my life.

As I sit here in the cool, June breeze, typing on my big, country porch, memories flow like streams of living water. This living water was words… words with which he blessed me, through the Holy Spirit. Johnny O’Donnell, was a spirit filled WWII Vet, that literally began to kick-start my comeback, from the darkness of post-partum depression.

Johnny was an usher at church, and a family friend. All the little kids at church called him Jono Dono. His Irish, orneriness, and deep faith made him a beloved church member.

After our second son was born in June of ’78, I was hospitalized with post partum depression. Trust me when I tell you this…you will do anything and all in your power, to help a friend through this once you’ve powered through the storm, and reached for the “SonLight.”

About a week after I got home from the hospital, I began to get a letter each day from Jono. He explained that he was running a backhoe on Guadalcanal, and hit a mine. He was blown 50 ft. in the air. When he awakened in a hospital, he realized that he had a broken arm, ribs, concussion and severe PTSD.

Who knows what they did for depression/mental illness back then. However, he was a survivor, and a courageous fighter.

He taught me the following:
*God had a purpose for this in my life.
*Plan for the positive.
*Make a list of all the positives for the day.
*Make some special plans for yourself.
*Get involved with helping others.
*Read your Bible and think God’s Thoughts.
*Create your own happiness.
*Once You stop focusing on you and get involved in life, you won’t have time to think about your probs.

Now I’m not saying that this was the perfect fix. I had my up and downs for a few years, until I got on the correct meds, and created a new life for myself, but his words were a wellspring to my future.

I worked hard at being a great mom, taking care of myself, and giving love and care to others through teaching.

With God’s help, I began to climb the ladder of inspiration, and bounce on the trampoline of encouragement. Johnny threw me a line of kindness and rescue, that refreshed me beyond the norm.

By 1981, God catapulted me into the realm of education, that I never believed possible. Here was His growth plan for me. He laid it in my lap, but I had to agree to its fulfillment:
*Oct.81 hired at Little School in the Prairie Christian Preschool/ an art teacher.
*May ’84 birthed Mr. Kyle Cutler
*87/88 A Preschool Class/Art Teacher
*88/89 Kindergarten Teacher
*89/90 Returned to JA as Art Teacher
*90 Finished certification to teach Elem.
*May ’95 Earned Masters of Ed. from Wright State Univ.
*Sept. ’90-May 2014 JA Kindergarten Teacher
*99-2006- Summer Instructor for The Communicate Institute
*May 2014-retired from Jonathan Alder Schools.
* Was a PAX Partner for Union Co. Schools ’14-‘19.
*Jan. 2017 Became a blogger /author of The Erstwhile Acorn.
*In the process of writing 2 books and a daily devotional.

Whenever I go to the grocery checkout, I ask the young cashier, “Are you out of high school?” “What are your educational plans?”

I cannot tell you how many people that God has sent my way to help them and teach them the way out of depression.

Johnny said it perfectly, ”Some day Susie, you’ll be a cheerleader for others and pay it forward!” AND HOW RIGHT HE WAS….AND HOW BLESSED AM I THAT HE CHOSE ME?

RIP JONO..Love you with all of my heart and soul.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray that you send Guardian Angels to all who are suffering from PTSD and any type of mental illness. Please give them the strength to make choices to reach for The “Son Light”. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith