Live In Expectation…As God Is In Control.


Psalm 36:7-9 How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men, take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the
abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is a fountain of life; in your light we see light.

Psalm 132:15 I will bless her with abundant provisions. Her poor will I satisfy with food.

Living in positive expectation is a mindset; however, it can be difficult.

How often do we pray….and wait….pray and wait. True peace is allowing God to give you total peace within the situation, and allow Him to work things out according to His will, not ours.

I have a “Dear, Sister Friend,” who lost her youngest son in a freak accident last year. Her husband has major physical disabilities, and is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers.

A friend blessed her with the possibility of buying their condo, which has never been inhabited. Plus, it is a one floor plan, which is necessary for the husband. However, there is a stipulation now involved.

She must purchase the condo by the end of June. That won’t happen unless her house sells, which has been on the market since March 1st .

We are waiting in expectation.

Last week my Friend declared, ”If the house doesn’t sell by the allotted date, I’ll do the following:
– Once my house sells, I’ll place my furniture in storage and move into an apartment.
– I’ll wait until another condo opens up within the same subdivision.

We are waiting in expectation. God is in control. If the house doesn’t sell in time, then we’ll have to believe that God has something better in time.

I have another “Dear Sister Friend.” For years she prayed and prayed for her marriage to be healed. She was in a horribly dysfunctional marriage for 43 years.

She waited for God’s answer: however, the dysfunction and the marriage continued. God was silent.
We waited in expectation.

About ten years ago, he was the one that asked for a divorce, because he found someone.

When she revealed his request to me, I began to weep uncontrollably. ”God has given you permission to go,” I exclaimed! We waited in expectation.

Thank God, she had the wisdom to save her mother’s money. She was able to move to a nearby town, buy a sweet little home, and begin a new life.

She retired a few years ago, has a wonderful church family, and lives in a very caring, sharing neighborhood. I’ve never seen her happier.

This is the Friend that taught me how to chase after my God, in such a way, that I never thought possible.

Three years ago: If you would have told me that I would be writing my autobiography, a daily devotional to accompany it, and a book for a non-
profit organization, I would have said a big, ”OH HELL NO! NOT ME!” However, God had other plans.

When my neighbor Jenn said to me, “You know this is what God wants you to do. All I have to do is push this button. ”Therefore on Jan. 9, 2017, was ignited.

I know that in His time, I will publish, when all is ready.
…AND I WAIT IN EXPECTATION…I can’t wait to see what my God will do with all of this!

HEAVENLY FATHER: Give us peace as we wait in expectation. Help us to create the mindset, ”I can’t wait to see what my God will do!” In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith

POST SCRIPT: It is Wed. May 26. I wrote this article two days ago. Yesterday, I was over at my dear friend Diane’s cleaning our cars. This is the friend whose house must sell by the end of June.

There was a black truck that kept driving past the house. I commented to Diane, “I think that you have an interested buddy on board.”

By that afternoon, she had an appointment for a showing this morning! We had errands to run, so she picked me up around 11a.m. I returned at 1:30.
By 4p.m. she was calling me screaming, ”I’m in contract!” We were both blubbering and praising God for answered prayer.

I can’t wait to see what my God will do….AND HE DID!!!!