Colors: Shades of oranges and yellows represent the power of God. Zinsser Smartcoat/Mambo/Toasted Clay/Rose Quartz to pop a neutral.

Value of Concentration: Do not put limits on God.

Memory Verse: I believe that your Holy Power will prevail within my life

Good Morning ABBA, Father,

Well, the cold of Autumn has swept upon the farm. There is a gloomy, drizzle this morning.  Yet your “Sonlight,” touches my spirit and empowers me.

It’s time to sip my Cup Of Fancy, (Maple Bourbon Spice Decaf) and hunker down with you, listen for your whispers, as I digest your Holy Word. My blanket cuddles me as I write at my couch.

My Bible Study with The God’s Squad was difficult last eve. One of my sister’s husband is about to enter hospice.

Her stress, pain, and what she will have to deal with, in the future, were weighing heavily upon all of us.

One of the other girls, who was widowed two years ago, was a huge support.

She has a huge church family, kids, grandkids, and those of us to surround her.

Last year in October, for six weeks the stress load was upon the boys and I. Farmer was in the hospital for four days over a total of two weeks, culminating in a successful prostate surgery. While at the same time, one of my friends was taking me for MRI/back injections. Plus, harvest was upon us, and it was a huge cry out to God for guidance.

Praise you, ABBA, we pulled through.  Friends showed up to help….and two days after surgery, he was combining beans. Yeah! I hear Ya!

Hear is how my heart feels right now

* There has been a legal cloud over a family member for almost three years……you have empowered my him with peace..and will end this battle.

*My heart is heavy for my Squad Sister- your love will empower her and eventually end her grief.

*Wars and rumors of wars… things are lining up prophetically for your return.

*Doctors appointments prevail as Farmer and I are aging.  You will empower us to prevail.

ABBA, I can’t put one foot in front of the other without holding your hand. You are a Mighty God, who allows things to occur for our own good. TALK ABOUT HARD! “WHY LORD? WHY?” We question. Yet you empower us …one day at a time, to prevail.

ABBA.. I fall at your feet believing Philippians 3:13…..I press on to the mark for my high calling in Christ Jesus.

Thank You, Father for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD:  Your faith, my Little One  ….and the faith of your family…..are beyond measure.  That’s why I named you Fearless Faith.  You became my Obedient Servant and answered the call to Habakkuk2….to write down my revelations and make them plain on tablets, so that a herald may run with it.  You hold my hand, as I walk with you, each step throughout your day, listening for my guidance. Jesus promised that in this life there would be trouble….but fear not….for He had overcome the world. Remember that you are mine.  I will never leave you nor forsake you. I love you.

ABBA, Father

Psalm 29:4-5 The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.

Psalm 5:1-3 Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my king and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation

Psalm 18:18-19 They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.