Colors: Zinsser Smartcoat…On the Green/Waterfont Blue/Orchid Breeze. These were my maid of honor colors, 51 years ago.

Value of Concentration:  Why me?

Memory Verse: Wash your Spirit of Calm over me

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

Whew!  It’s been 3 wild weeks! I need my special time with You today.  You, me, and an Arnold Palmer, I’m sipping. It’s 80 degrees on the porch at noon, so I’ll need a cool respite.

Three weeks with my husband in and out of the hospital, was enough to do me “IN!” Finally, he is having prostate surgery on Friday.  Two weeks ago, as he was in the ER for 6 hrs…..waiting…..waiting before they admitted him, I was stressed, but not anxious.  Those days are long gone. Why? YOU’VE GOT MY BACK! “You will be kept in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.”

Your Holy Spirit kept speaking to me,”I’m here. He needs to be admitted. They’ll take good care of him. Then you can go home and rest.”

LOLOL! OH! By the way I had my MRI today for my back and right thigh.  Ever since I had my right knee replaced two years ago, something is not right.

LOLOLO! AGAIN! By the way, as I was doing rehab for my knee two years ago, on a leg press, I felt something give in my left foot.

I had right foot surgery 15 years ago, so I figured the same thing was happening.  “OH! This can wait.”

Well, In January I was supposed to have left foot surgery for a cracked toe. That’s now cancelled until we get the Farmer straightened out, along with my back/knee/thigh issues. I’ve been taping my two toes together for a year.

PRAISE GOD, NONE OF THIS IS LIFE THREATENING! However, it’s a stressful mess to go through.

I’m just like Y’ALL…just plowing through life. However, I have my Savior Jesus Christ driving my tractor and carrying my heavy loads.

I chose him as a child, within the Catholic Church.

HOWEVER….I didn’t have a true, heart relationship with Him until I was 30. My mother always preached,”Our Jesus has no denomination!”


Color me today, ABBA, with calm greens, blues, and lavenders.

Thank You, Abba, for teaching me about Grace, and allowing it to wash over me.

MY CHILD: My loving Daughter. Now you know that you are MINE, through Jesus Christ. Just like the shepherd, you hear my voice.  You are not the same person you were 20 years ago, as you agreed to go on this journey with Me. We chose each other. I’ll admit, you went through some horrific illnesses; however, that’s what drew you to me. When you accepted the lifetime condition, I knew that I could use you for my glory, and to touch the lives of others. Continue to seek Me as did the woman with the issue of blood. I will continue to carry you. I love you.

ABBA, Father

Isaiah 55:9  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

Psalm 43:5 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God; for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. 

Psalm 27:When you said,”Seek my face,”  my heart said to you, “Your Face, Lord, I will seek.