As the weather becomes cooler. I am ready to be refreshed from the heat of summer. The cool morning breezes flow through my big, country porch, as I sip my Cup of Fancy (Mint Iced Tea with lemon). Spending my morning devotional time with You, sets my day to the positive.
You know, ABBA, no matter what is thrown at me today, at work, home, school, family, illness, church, community activities; I can be refreshed, knowing that You breathe upon me.
Today is a big for instance: husband farmer got into something not good.. Bp is up.. nausea….doc appt at 3:15…very unlike him to be sick.. LORD REFRESH ME!!!! HELP!
One of the greatest things that You have taught me, when someone is about to take my head off, or when I’m about to explode, is the following:
*Take a deep breath…2 0r 3 at least.
*Whisper the following prayer,”Holy Spirit COME!”
I’ll never forget the following story from 25 years ago, and how You rescued the situation, in a rather hilarious way.
My son, along with a bunch of his football teammates, went to a concert near Cincinnati, across the river in Ky. Note; our farm is close to Columbus. He and one other teammate got stranded, because one group, thought that the other group accommodated them. Praise God, cell phones were just becoming necessary.
My Soul Mate, Gracie just happened to be here. Suddenly, I got this horribly anxious, phone call. It was 9p.m.”Mom! I’m stranded! Jeff is with me. We called the police and they won’t help us.”My reply (Elvis singing in my ears…I’M ALL SHOOK UP), ”You try to make a plan and so will I, and call me back in 15 mins.
You have to understand our farm situation.
* Dad has to be here at 6a.m. to milk.
*I’m the girl from Cincy. I have relatives there, that can possibly help. I’m the one who would be heading south alone in the dark.
*It’s before GPS, so he had no idea how to direct me.
*I placed a call to my cousin who was a dispatcher and we tried to make a plan.
*Gracie and I looked at each other and exclaimed,”Holy Spirit we need YOU NOW!”
Within that span of time, The Holy Spirit did work…AND CERTAINLY REFRESHED ME!
He had made a call to his roommate, who drove 2hrs. And rescued him.
Gracie and I were praising,”Thank You, Holy Spirit,” over and over; tearfully, laughing hysterically! “Thank You, ABBA! Thank You.””Thank You, Father!”
It was obvious and clearly planned out. As Gracie often said, “It’s just another one of those God Things!”
My other sons always remind me,”Mom you cannot get too emotional over things you have no control over.” Yes, God and I taught them well.
I’ve been in some teary, school situations, with my principal. Yep, the tears did flow, after the emotions subsided. I taught in a poverty area, and on occasion, I could have a rough experience; however, through The Holy Spirit, I survived.
Many suffer in marriages and parenting situations. Pray for direction. Remember, no one deserves abuse, and children must be in a safe environment. Pray, God will guide you.
ABBA, I pray that mothers may be refreshed; in their marriages, parenting, and relationships.
Refresh me this day with my Farmer. I have knee and back issues, that I’m dealing with, ever since I had my right knee done 2 years ago. So don’t ever think That I don’t suffer, and need to be carried by My ABBA.
Father Help me to get through this day. A FUNNY NOTE..I have a crack in my left foot that was supposed to be fixed in Jan. LOLOL! I can walk fine as long as I keep those 2 toes taped together. So surgery on my left foot is put off until I get this right knee/leg/back fixed.
SO MY FRIENDS: you can plainly see, that I am in this battle of life, along with you.
ABBA….Thank You for being my refreshment this day.
Matt 28:11: Come to Me, and I will ease, relieve and refresh your soul!
Psalm 29:2 Give unto The Lord the glory due his name, worship The Lord in the beauty of His holiness.
Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
1 Peter 1:8 Though you have not seen him, you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.
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