Colors: White-Joy/Black-Suffering, and Lavenders for Perseverance. Smartcoat/ White Cherry Blossom/Black Chestnut Shells/Orchid Breeze Lavender

Value of Concentration: Joy Vs. Suffering. Suffering produces Perseverance. Perseverance build character.

Memory Verse: You are holding me tightly as I persevere through my trauma.

Good Morning ABBA, Father.

What a gorgeous morning to be on my porch spending time with you! It is raining tears from heaven. Tears of joy  and sadness. The air is cool, and I have my desk lamp on, due to the darkness of the clouds. Sadie, Bami, and Petie Pups are at my feet.

This Morning I am sipping Pumpkin Spice Decaf with a splash of pumpkin cream.

Fall is on the way, the air is crisp and cool….yet by 2pm. It’s supposed to be 93 degrees with a ridiculously high humidity. MMM I see a similarity here between joy and sadness.

You have blessed me with many spiritual incites(Jeremiah 33:3).As I’ve traveled through many negative emotions and traumas throughout my life, You have used those to the positive.


I am that Little Insignificant Acorn, no longer!  You have recreated me, totally!

*Raised within Catholic Education for 12 years..I never opened a Bible to study, until I was 30.After Vatican II the Church became born again.

*Once I began to seek You like the woman with the issue of blood, my spirit exploded into a deep relationship with You.

WHAT BROUGHT ABOUT MY DESIRE TO SEEK YOU? SEVERE POST PARTUM DEPRESSION in 1978: I had nowhere and no one to turn to. Praise God…I was raised with a deep faith in Jesus Christ.  However, I didn’t have a deep relationship with him. I was not attuned to The Word

My Book.. THE ERSTWHILE ACORN,  soon to be published, tells all. I went from a childhood of legalism, to struggling with my farmer, in our new marriage, to build a legacy. Childbirth led to hospitalization for severe depression. BUT GOD…BUT YOU, ABBA KNEW MY CHARACTER. Once I set a goal, nothing is gonna stop me.

As You held me tightly through the darkness, step by step you led me. To help me get my mind off me, and live back within the world, I did the following:

*Worked at the craft store, teaching art lessons; previously I was an Elementary Art Teacher, prior kids.

*An Art/ Preschool job fell into my lap. For years I asked  You,”Do you want me to get re-certified?”

*I heard you whisper…”You can do a K-3 in a heart breat. Get re-certified.”

*I got re-certified, and my old art job opened.

* The following year Kindergarten opened, and I was in that position for 24 years. I earned my Masters in the meantime.

* You revealed spiritual incite to me, along with my Sister in Christ, Gracie.

*I am now your obedient blogger/author.

My 350 year old Burr Oak stands silently before me, in our barn lot. You whisper through it’s glistening leaves,”My Little Fearless have become a Mighty Burr Oak through Me!” What I write has nothing to do with,”Look at me.”  It has everything to do with, “Look what He did to re-create me!”

Right now, I’m persevering. I have back issues, and I can’t drive, because it feels like a knife is in my rear. OH!LOLOLOL By the way, I have a crack in my left foot(toes), So I have to put that surgery off until I see what the back doc decides. OH! Plus I’m fighting a terrible chest cold. 

I praise God, for many have it worse than I.


The Only One who can fill the holes within your heart, is The Holy Spirit ….through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Once you get your head into The Word, you will be overwhelmed at the intensity with which He teaches you.

This is THE TRUE JOY, that gets you through your suffering.

ABBA, hold me tightly, as I have much to do for you.  I need the health, with which to do it.

Thank You, Father, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: I know your grief and suffering; yet you still believe in me. You have been through so much within your lifetime. YOU KNOW ME FAR BETTER THAN MOST.Keep seeking..Keep searching and I will reveal to you amazing and wonderful things you do not know.  (Jeremiah 33:3)

People who are not believers, turn to drugs, alcohol, suicide, and any other woke genre, that they think will fill their emptiness. JESUS IS  THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE….The only way to Me is through Him.  I love you my child. Continue to be a fisher of men.

I love you,


ABBA, Father

1 Thess. 1:6 You became imitators of us and the Lord, in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with joy, given by The Holy Spirit.

Gal.5:22-23 But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 

John 16:22 So with you now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.