Colors: Greens are the color for mental health awareness. Wear a green ribbon during mental health awareness month. Zinsser/Smartcoat :Sweet SucculentGreen/Berlin Green/Pistachio Green 

Value of Concentration: Mental Strength

Memory Verse: My mind is transformed by The Word, and I rest in HIM!

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

Father, Your sense of humor sometimes cracks me up.

I sit here with my Cup of Fancy, (Swiss Mocha Almond Decaf…no cream..wanna taste that chocolate), and I’m writing about the colors of mental health/greens.

It’s a cool gray morning, As I looked up from the computer, all I saw were two colors: the gray sky and tons and tons of green. I began to laugh. “ABBA, You are too funny!”  You answered, “LOL, That’s why they call me God.”

Here I am, writing about the colors of mental health, and you place them before me; green corn, soybeans, grass, bushes, my 350 year old Burr Oak Tree.  Go figure; greens bombarding me everywhere!

Father, each and every person has a mental issue, one way or the other.  Some may have been born with it; as was I. However that does not mean that you wallow within it.  With You, ABBA, I went full steam ahead, and hit it head on. I am, through You, an Overcomer.

I’ll never forget the day my life changed. After fighting my bouts of depression, I went to my school secretary, Charleen; my sweet “Chuck,” who now resides in heaven. I knew that she hd been hospitalized a few times in her life with this malady.

“Chuck, what am I to do?” She handed me her doctor’s phone number and commented.
“Honey taking my meds is no different than taking a blood pressure pill, or meds for diabetes.”  “Be bold and take charge of your life. And God will lead you.”

I did, and that was thirty years ago.  Do I have my ups and downs? Heck yes, but that’s life.

I will never forget the day You gave me this scripture, ABBA. Psalm 18: 18-19 They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support.  He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me ..BEAUSE HE DELIGHTED IN ME.

You, ABBA, delight in your children.  You are with all of us from the time we awake til we sleep.

How God has used me within these last 30 years, to help those with mental health issues, has been remarkable. Once you’ve been through it, you’ll do anything to help someone else. 

Years ago, I was in a nondenominational Bible Study. An email came from a young woman who was suicidal.  My husband saw it on our email. “Honey, you and some others need to reach out to this young woman.”

My Farmer of 50 plus years, knows what this is all about, and encourages me to help others.

As I mentioned earlier, there is no shame in reaching out for help. I did. I climbed the ladder of Education. I got re-certified, earned my Masters Degree and taught Kindergarten for 30 years.

Here’s what I teach others in Jesus Holy name, and how you can lead a joyful, fulfilled life, through his guidance.

*It is not your fault that you struggle with anxiety/depression; unless you have given yourself over to drugs, and not to Jesus.

*I inherited a chemical imbalance from my father. Depression/anxiety also runs a bit through my maternal cousins. When you read my book, THE ERSTWHILE ACORN, you’ll see even the results of futile anxiety in my childhood.


1.Seek a relationship with Jesus Christ. Get your head within His Holy Word, and you will receive guidance, strength, and wisdom.”I sought the Lord and He heard me, and He delivered me from ALL OF MY FEARS.” 

2.Seek Medical and Professional Help. *BELIEVE AND BE COMMITTED:  “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me the strength.”

*Get yourself busy…get off of your duff… and place some goals before you to achieve.

*BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE!  He’s not going to do it for you. There was no one more scared than I, as I took my first steps back into life, after severe postpartum depression.

***JESUS…will help you find your purpose.

*Once you begin your career/purpose, you will FIND YOUR GREATER GIFT…GIVING YOURSELF AWAY TO OTHERS.

Praise You, ABBA, for recreating me.  Thank You  for teaching me to touch the lives of many, and blessing me in return.

MY CHILD: As sin entered the world, so did illness and disease. Many illnesses require the encouragement and enlightenment, that was given you, through your struggles.  You are teaching others to make lemonade out of sour lemons. You are reflecting my Holy Spirit to others, as you teach and guide them to heal.

To the Readers: heed these words, and you to will become teachers and lead the way to healing for many.

I love you.

ABBA Father 

Luke 12;  25-26 – Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?Since you cannot do this very, little thing, why do you worry about the rest.

Psalm 62:5-6 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he  is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

Deut. 33:27  The eternal God is your refuge and aftermath are the everlasting arms.  He will drive out your enemy before you saying,”Destroy him!”