It is a New beginning. I’m not a Winter all. I’m a Sunshine Girl, all the way. Even though I’m in my War room, at my desk, I’m thinking SPRING!!!
So, for my Cup of Fancy, I’m thinking a perfect Susie Creation in my purple/white polkadot teapot. Here ya go ladies: my infuser holds culinary lavender buds/half of fresh lemon…quartered, squeezed and place in teapot/add 2 packets of Stevia..STEEP…AND…YUMMY!
No matter your age, your physical appearance, your stamina; you can begin a New Adventure!
Never in a million years did I ever believe, that you would have me blogging/authoring. You cracked my chrysalis and brought me out of my cocoon into a new life, through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Oh! I had twelve years of a Christian Education, for which I am grateful! However, I did not have THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT..until I was 50! Twenty-three years later, here I am ministering to others; His orders…..certainly not mine. I am his humble servant.
Here’s a recent example of how the Holy Spirit can and will use you to minister to others.
I have a Dear Friend, whose husband was imprisoned three years ago. My husband and I have been by her side, encouraging her.
ABBA, I told her,”If you seek God, and keep close to Him, He will open doors for you at the perfect opportunity.”As You always do, Father, You brought this new job/new life to her out of no where. She received her Jeremiah 29:11.
Two weeks ago, after she received the job offer, she called me having a panic attack. I gave the following response, then we prayed together: “Honey, after your trauma, divorce, and trying to rebuild your life, it’s normal to be scared.” “However, God brought this job you…out of nowhere.” “It came from Him, directly to you, as a gift.”
You will know it’s from God when it comes out of nowhere.
Here’s my personal example and there are many; however, this is a standout. My Husband and I were to be married on Aug. 4th,1972. Beginning that January, I was writing letters for applications for elementary art teaching jobs, throughout the Columbus, Ohio area.
My husband’s grandfather purchased the farm in 1917,in Plain City Ohio. His mother and aunt were the current owners. We would be purchasing the aunt’s half.
Do you believe that God ordains miracles? What are the chances that an elementary art position would be available in the Jonathan Alder Schools, Plain City, Ohio? He provided it for me! Praise God!
“Do not fear for I am with you.” Do not be afraid to begin your new adventure.
* Are you looking to rebuild your life…seek Him.
*Are you seeking His direction…be still and listen to Him, through His Holy Word.
*If necessary, seek some type of counseling to figure out what your gifts are.
*Go back to school…get a degree.
May they come to You, ABBA, and find the gifts that await them, as they begin their new adventure.
Thank You, Father, for blessing me this day.
Psalm 48:14 For this God is our God forever and ever, He will be our God, even to the end.
Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Isaiah 41:13 ”For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,”Do not fear; I will help you.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “Plans not to harm you, but for a hope and a future.”
Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat/Blues/Aquas/represent wisdom and stability/…Quinn’s Pub…Siesta…
03 January 2024Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat /Reds-Lobster Boil/Strawberry Jam/Bungalow to pop a neutral Value of…
03 January 2024