The colors that I reflect upon today are fall colors. They represent passion, energy, and love. However, they can also represent, confusion and chaos.
As a retired educator, I can’t imagine teaching in a district that places Woke agenda on small children.
In modern terms, Jesus said,” Those who lead little ones astray and harm them, will be accountable to God.”
“Bring the Little Ones unto Me”: He intended for us to love, nurture, and educate them with Christian values.
As a young teacher in 1972, I remember that The Our Father was said every morning before the day started. Once they took You out of the classroom, ABBA, Satan began to have free reign.
Now they are having Drag Queens at the public Library, and trying to indoctrinate Kindergartners with gender identification.
The holes in the hearts of these groups, that are pushing these mindsets, are vast.
They can only be filled with You, Father; not their evil socialistic agendas. Only You, ABBA, can fill their pain with love and compassion for others. Once they allow You to find them, they will no longer yearn for evil.
I praise You, ABBA, that I was raised in a family of faith. Even though my denomination embraced certain legalisms, I was taught the love of Jesus. Both sides of my family embraced Christianity.
I believe that we are at a huge turning point. Either you are with Christ, or you are against him.
Daily, I watch Trinity Broadcasting. A minister was on yesterday with a powerful infomercial. It read as follows:
Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? Are you sure of where you will spend eternity? The time is now. It is the time to get your faith in order. Why? Soon that door is going to close. Be watchful. Be ready, for the return of Jesus Christ for His Bride…The Church…is near.
There is a prayer of surrender that I say several times a day: Jesus I surrender my life to You. Take care of everything.
This prayer keeps me grounded. I can ignore the chaos… and keep my mind in peace and rest. Only because You, ABBA, sent your Son, Jesus Christ for our salvation.
Thank You Father, for blessing me this day.
Col 1:29 To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.
Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.
Numbers 6:24-25 The Lord bless you and keep you; the make his face shine upon you;, and be gracious unto you.
Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat/Blues/Aquas/represent wisdom and stability/…Quinn’s Pub…Siesta…
09 November 2023Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat /Reds-Lobster Boil/Strawberry Jam/Bungalow to pop a neutral Value of…
09 November 2023