One the greatest wisdoms that I learned from my Mother and my Granny was the following: God has a plan for your life. Yes, ABBA, you planned the following for me.
As I was teaching at the Baptist Preschool, God was rebuilding my life. Previously in the public School System, I had been an Art teacher for three years. We then had had two sons, and after the second birth, I went through horrific postpartum.
God had a plan to rebuild my life, and use me for His glory. Working at the preschool for six years, I constantly prayed:” Lord, do you want me to get re-certified? What should I do?”
During the sixth year, I was a Preschool Teacher, plus the Art Teacher. One morning, working on a lesson plan, The Holy Spirit spoke boldly:”Go back to school. You can do a K-3 in a heartbeat!”
Once you learn to recognize His voice, the only option is to be obedient. I immediately called a friend who took me to the Ohio Certification Department. From there, my sister Dr. Gail, Nursing Professor at Wright State University, took me to their Education dept.,and signed me up for classes. Beginning Summer of ’88-summer of ‘90, I worked on recertification.
Jonathan Alder rehired me as an Art Teacher ‘89-’90. By the grace of God, and His divine plan, my dream was fulfilled in Sept. of ‘90. I was hired as a Kindergarten Teacher. I loved my students, and became their Kindergarten Mama for 26 years.
From ‘92-’95 Wright State Univ, brought a Masters Class to Jonathan Alder Schools. I was among 20 teachers, who earned their Masters Degrees.
Waiting on God is difficult, because in our humanity, ..WE WANT IT NOW!
ABBA, please teach these readers to trust in your timing. However, once the Spirit brings you the direction…DON’T BE AFAID TO JUMP AND TAKE ACTION! You choices define your life. Get your head in His word, and He will guide you path.
I praise you, Father, for the valuable lessons you placed within my mind and spirit..TO GO FOR THE GOLD!
I would not be this author, had I not followed your lead.
If you are at a crossroad in your life, allow The Holy Spirit to transform your mind, and lead you to a new life; through the Word of God.
ABBA, without you bringing me to Holy Scripture, and a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, as my Savior, I’d still be wallowing in the mess, with which I was raised.
Praise You, Father, for leading me and guiding me, with your Holy Light.
Thank You, ABBA, for blessing me this day.
Col:23 Whatever you do. Do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.
Psalm. 32:8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.
1 Thess. 5:17 Pray continually.
Psalm 89:15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call on Me and I will answer you, and teach wonderful and amazing things, you do not know.
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13 September 2023Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat /Reds-Lobster Boil/Strawberry Jam/Bungalow to pop a neutral Value of…
13 September 2023