WOW! “Outta the ashes I rise!” No truer statement describes my life, my growth, and recreation through Christ.
Tribulation is awful….however it brings perseverance….and perseverance brings deep faith!
A family member has been going through legal turmoil for the past two years. At first, it brought an unspeakable amount of tears and stress to the entire family.
Talk about faith, prayer and motivation taking over: we as a family know that through our God,”Outta the ashes we will rise!”
If you are going through a traumatic situation; stop, breathe, pray, and God will lead you to the right type of counsel you are seeking. Speak YHWH!
Waiting upon God to solve your problem is not easy! However, his timing is perfect. We have been dealing with our issue for the last two years.
If you are going through a similar situation, surround yourself with the following:
*Strong, Christian, professionals who will fight for you.
*A Strong group of prayer warriors who bless you and bring positivity into your life.
*A constant time spent filling your mind with My Word.
*Surround yourself with fun, laughter, and bright colors.
I have assured my family member that right now, for some reason only God knows, he is being placed in this situation to learn perseverance; which builds a strong faith and character.The gold in him is being refined for greatness.
At this moment, I call him Job; outta the ashes he will rise. Once he has been through this test, he will be motivated immensely by The Holy Spirit, and be placed in a career position that he would never deem possible.
So if you feel like Job right now, and your world has been turned upside down….through faith….and our Almighty God…”Outta The Ashes, You Will Rise.”
Praise You, Abba for your Grace and Wisdom. I claim it through your Holy Spirit.
Thank You, Father for blessing me this day.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says The Lord. “Plans not to harm you, but for a hope and a future.”
Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth, right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first- fruits groan inwardly, as we eagerly await for our adoptions as sons, and the redemption of our bodies.
Psalm 91:14-16 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord,”I will rescue him; I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will honor him and show him my salvation.
Romans 5:3 We also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call on Me and I will answer you and tell you wonderful and amazing things you do not know.
Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat/Blues/Aquas/represent wisdom and stability/…Quinn’s Pub…Siesta…
30 August 2023Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat /Reds-Lobster Boil/Strawberry Jam/Bungalow to pop a neutral Value of…
30 August 2023