Winter is beginning to close in upon us. The colors of the Christmas Holidays are beginning to sneak into everyone’s home décor. However, today, my two colors sing of Your Grace.
I heard the word “Grace,” growing up as a child. However, it meant nothing to me. I was taught that you had
to earn your righteousness; and God forbid if you forgot to confess a sin. I never knew if I would make it to heaven.
LOLOLOL! Now I sit back and laugh; however, a bit perturbed that those so-called theologians would place such heavy rules upon a small child.
It’s no wonder that the colors that represent me now, as a Royal Daughter of The King are Lavender and Heather; the softness of royalty. Anyone that knows me, personally, realizes that all shades of purple are my “God-given” Colors.
At 50 years old…22 years ago, You crowned me as your child. One night long ago, the book of Romans exploded within my mind. “I AM RIGHTEOUS BY FAITH!”
The song Amazing Grace, says it all. Through the Blood of The Lamb…..and nothing else…I am saved.
As my Mother, taught me long ago; “He paid for all of our sins, past present and future, on one Good Friday.”
Not only do you shower me with Grace, but You also want me to pour Grace upon my fellow man. By modeling myself after You, I teach others about Grace.
It’s difficult in this insane world. There’s friends I’ve lost due to Covid and Liberalism. I can no longer surround myself with their negative influence; however I pray for them daily. I can at least bless them with the grace of prayer.
As I Go throughout my day, wearing lavender and heather, may I show Your Grace to all with whom I come in contact. May I teach them to drink in Your Gift of Grace, as they drink their Cup’O Fancy.
Thank You ABBA, for blessing me this day, and showering Your Grace upon me.
Romans 3:22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 5:9-Since we have been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath.
Romans 6:14 For sin shall not be your master, for you are not under the law, but under grace.
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