Color: Sky Blue 3: This color is often used in offices to promote Focus.

Accent Colors: Sky Blue 1 and 2. These are perfect accents that can eliminate stress and encourage concentration.

Value of Concentration: Focus

Memory Verse: My thoughts focus on Your Love for Me.

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

Every day brings its challenges. My mind is often a whirlwind; gotta make it to work, kids school activities, home, dinner, loving my spouse and family.

However, when I take time during my day, to detox with You, I listen in the stillness, awaiting your instruction.

As fall is coming into fruition, with whistling winds, and perhaps a few snowflakes, help me to set aside the time to
spend with you each day.

As a teacher, I rarely had time to breathe, as it was, before Covid. I always allotted myself 15 minutes with my Cup Of Fancy, my Bible, or a daily devotional, before I walked out the door.

I called this,”Setting Our Mood For The Day.” We said The Our Father together…even if we were in the car…it set
the mood.

To hear my twin grandsons doing this in the car, whenever Grandpa and I transport, brings tears to my eyes.

When I’m in the car driving to work, I may have worship music playing. It calms me and helps me focus on your enduring love for me. It ensures me that no matter what happens during the day, You say to me,”I Got You! What grace you are given once you focus on me! Times may be tough. However, you will sail through the days difficulties,
knowing that I am your,’Commander-in-Chief.’”

Focus on the following:
*My love for you is unconditional.
*The Joy of the Lord is your Strength.
*Even though the world seems as if it is falling apart, it is
falling into place. I will return for My Bride soon.
*Joy comes daily through praise and thanksgiving.
*Count your blessings, even though you are going through hard times.
*The colors of blue that are recommended help to strengthen your focus.
* But most of all…..BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!

Thank You, ABBA for being the Father that truly loves me and takes care of me. Thank You, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: As the leaves are falling, and the winds begin to stir, allow your heart to only be stirred by MY WORD. I am with you in your going out and in your coming in; focus on Me throughout your day. DO NOT…focus on your problems. I am in control. I love you.

2 Cor. 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Isaiah 26:3 You will will guard him in perfect and constant peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he commits himself to you, leans on you, and hopes confidently on you.

John 10:4 His sheep follow Him because they know Him.