Good Morning, Abba….Father
I come to you in praise and thanksgiving. So often the stresses and anxieties of this life, seem to be more than I can bear. However, you have promised that if I stay within the realm of the Holy Spirit, you will renew my strength.
As a young mother, there were times when I wanted “To cave.” I couldn’t put one foot in front of another. Whether it was due to illness or stress, my strength was depleted. I felt that I couldn’t go on.
It’s amazing! Once I was in tune with The Holy Spirit, I knew that it was Him carrying me through the storms. Be it through the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or a failed relationship, or as was in my case, a serious illness You were there to carry me.
So often, I look back throughout my life at the joys, sorrows, traumas, and stresses that I have experienced.
I heard you gently whisper.”I am here my Little One. Don’t be afraid. For I will guide you to make the right decisions. “
“I will teach you to control your thoughts. Thoughts of strength, sunshine and blessings will pervade your being, where darkness, and grief once existed.”
Today as I envelope myself in the color fuchsia, and cream white, I will feel your power and strength. Yet my soul will pervade with sensitivity, love and peace, knowing that your spirit lives within me.
Thank you, Father for blessing me this day. May I walk through this day with my head held high, knowing that it’s your strength that carries me.
Exodus 15: 2 The Lord is my strength and my song.
2 Samuel 22:23 It is God who arms me with strength.
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield.
Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.
Colors: Green represents new life/Reds represent redemption pale sporing colors. Zinsser/ Ancient Jade-light…
25 May 2021Colors: Zinsser/ Smartcoat/ Whites (a dove)…creams….and reds/Bella Luna White/Heatwave Red…
25 May 2021
Kathleen P. Yutzy | 26th May 21
Wonderful words, dear friend! So much truth in those scripture verses. Love you