Color: Orchid-it can represent self-reflection and spirituality

Accent: White-purity/a cream white can bring warmth.
Onyx or Ink black can represent authority.

Value of Concentration: Atonement/Covered

Memory Verse: I am forgiven, atoned by the blood of Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Good Morning Abba Father….It’s Me…Your Precious Daughter.

As I sit in my “Place of Stillness,” I realize that I really have created an environment, for just the two of us. Now that my children are grown, and I’m retired, I have that special place.

Remember…you deserve to create a special space for your devotions. Every woman needs a “War Room,”no matter how crazy it gets within your home.

In one of my upstairs bedrooms, I sit at the desk that I used so often as a child. The window gives an awesome overview of the farm. I am surrounded by a lighted tree, my purple lamp, candles, my teapot and Cup of Fancy. Several purple, green, and blue pens are held within a purple glass jar on top. Notebooks are stacked in the drawers, along with several Bibles; not to mention my traveling laptop.

LOLO…believe me when I tell you that I have some girlfriends that have escaped to corners in their bathrooms and basements in order to spend quiet time with You.

Today I Concentrate on the color orchid. It is a tint of purple. It exudes royalty, yet sensitivity. I add in a warm white for purity, and a spot of black onyx, that represents authority and mystery.

Two words came to me as we spent time together this morning; Atonement and Covered.

Father, You so loved us that You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. “Atonement,” the price for our sins was paid in full!

Our sins were covered by the Blood of The Lamb.

The above mentioned colors can either be worn or used in home décor. However, they represent so much.

Today orchid will embrace me with …..SELF REFLECTION; the love, compassion and sensitivity, of the sacrifice of Christ. My self-reflection allows me to praise and glorify you. White will remind me of how Christ’s life purified me. The black onyx will tell of “The Authority,” with which Christ conquered death.

Remind me today to repent of my sin, accept Christ, His atonement and authority. I praise You Father for such love.

Thank You for my blessed day.

MY CHILD: My LOVE FOR MANKIND IS DEEP AND WIDE! No human can understand My Love for them. For years…..legalism….made by faulty humans…crushed your true perspective of Me.  You envisioned Me as a big, scary God with a cattle prod, ready to zap you,at any moment. You had no idea of GRACE.  As a child, your sweet Mama, who now resides with Me, got it right. Christ paid the price …in full….one Good Friday.

Confess daily in your heart….TO ME. My heart flourishes as you seek me…and I pour blessings upon you.

I love you.

ABBA, Father

Romans 3: 25-26 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance, he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished-he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just, and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

Hebrews 2: 17 For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he may become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.