It’s Not About You

Matt 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit (humble).

The work of an unknown, good man is like a vein of water flowing hidden under ground, secretly
making the grass greener. Thomas Carlyle

I think of all of the unknown things that my parents sacrificed, in order for me to have a good life. Compared to what they had in the Depression as children, I was rich.

My husband and I built a farm, my teaching career, and raised and educated three, strong, Christian, young men. We wanted more for our children, as well.

However, we were never, ”Look at me!” type of parents. My husband is a very quiet, simple, loving man. Hard work and vision is his motto for success. ”The work is not finished until the job is done.”

I have a friend that God has brought full circle. The world will perhaps hear about her someday. She is a person who gives, and does things silently. As the above quote states, she makes the grass greener for the homeless, and abused women.

Years ago she promised God, “If you save me and get me out of this mire, I will give my life to helping those like me. She now does that on a daily basis and is trying to build a nonprofit foundation.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Bless the everyday working men and women, who not only do their daily jobs, but also give their lives to give back to their communities humbly. In the Precious Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith