You Have Not Because You Ask Not

The Following scripture is from The Book of Wisdom in the Catholic Bible. We have a few extra books..and I have no idea why…nor do I care. I am very nondenominational. GOD’S WORD…IS GOD’S WORD. This is taken from Chapter 9….Solomon’s prayer.

Lord bestow on me THE GIFT OF WISDOM, The Attendant at Your Throne, and reject me not from among your children. Send Her forth from Your holy heavens and from your glorious throne dispatch her; that She may be with me and work with me, and that I may know what Her pleasure is. For She knows and understands all things, and will guide me discreetly in my affairs, and safeguard me by Her glory.

This is Solomon’s prayer..asking God to give him wisdom rather than riches.

I have this prayer typed up, laminated, and on my desk in my office.

If you are in the same frame of mind…as most of us are after the election…I pray for peace of mind, trust, AND WISDOM.

There is a huge difference between the time of Solomon and the present. We have the Holy Spirit within us, if we have accepted Christ.

We have what it takes to make holy decisions, if you tune into the plethora of gifts, anointed by the Holy Spirit. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS!

I laugh. Why, when all of this turmoil is going on in the nation?

  • God is on the throne.
  • He is in control.
  • He will never leave us or forsake us.
  • God can use this for good in the long run.

In a recent Bible study, someone brought up the following comment:
WHAT IS 2020?.IT IS PERFECT VISION! Hmmm? Ya think
that God is sending people a message?

  • For Christians, this year has certainly been a WAKE-UP CALL!
  • It’s as if a curtain has been pulled back, and we are viewing things differently.
  • We have seen that God and family are the things that truly matter.
  • Those who proclaim to be Christian, yet put into office pro-abortion candidates; think and pray about your decisions. Hmmmmm?
  • Politicians who are so far away from the ideals that our fathers and grandfathers died for during WWII; they are not patriots but power-hungry socialists.
  • If the non-believers think this was bad, wait util the Rapture occurs. This world will be in utter chaos.
  • My husband and I so often look at each other and comment:”This is not the world, in which we were raised. We sooooo don’t belong to this world.”

As in the time of Noah:

  • The media and the Left mock Christianity
  • Compare ME TV…what I was raised with…. to modern day TV. It’s immoral, evil, no family values, and leaves little to the imagination. 90% of the time I have on Hallmark TV, Laff, Me Tv, or my hubby has on the western channels.
  • The world is quite chaotic. If you know your Bible, you realize that we are in the birth pains of God plan of redemption of this earth.


HEAVENLY FATHER: In these trying, chaotic times I stand on your Holy Word and promises: I will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee. In Jesus Precious name. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith