2 Cor. 3:14-18 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the VEIL IS TAKEN AWAY. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.


The political Dweebs in this world are ultra ignorant, and totally anti Christian. They are all about power and control. Whereas, Christ has lifted the veil of truth and wisdom, to those who truly seek Him.

Like most of us conservative Christians, my mind is befuddled at how the Left stole the election. However, God is on the throne and He’s in command! Therefore, I live in peace and I sleep well.

Presently, I am in a Bible Study, and we are delving deeply into the Book of Revelation.

The world, the left, the abortionists, the materialistic “Lovers of Self,”and the non-Christians are too ignorant to realize that things are lining up prophetically.

There is a veil over their eyes. The world tells them the following:

  • Living together before marriage is ok.
  • Abortion, homosexuality and a zillion sexual identities are normal.
  • Lifetime channel had a love story between two gay men.
  • Hallmark is now placing hints of the same perversions.

Thanks, Hollywood! As usual, you hit the mark. I am not judging these people. That’s God’s job. He loves them just as much as He does us. However, don’t stuff it down the throats of others, so that the little ones see it as normal.

  • Morals and values are depleted. This made me sick, as a mother and educator. Mothers of students would have kids by multiple men.
  • Drugs, shopaholics, alcoholics.. all fill the holes in their hearts with substances that kill the spirit, as well as the flesh.
  • Spend, cheat, steal, use others, and lie all for self-gain.
    The lies of the enemy have blinded these people.
    Yes there ARE BLINDERS ON THESE PEOPLE….. and a veil
    of earthly ignorance.

The lies of the enemy have blinded these people. Yes there ARE BLINDERS ON THESE PEOPLE… and a veil of earthly ignorance.

As Christians, we should praise God, because we have been given perfect vision in ….2020. Covid basically tried to take away our lives and livelihood. However, God’s people were given wisdoms ….to see through the veil.

  • The entire purpose of the creation of Covid, was to take away worship, the American way of life, and screw up our election system.
  • Faith and family are the two most important things in life.

LOLOL..Back in March a young man was so pissed off in Krogers, because there was no TP. Due to his cussing and fussing I commented,”Excuse me sir, I’m a child of the 50’s and did without if necessary. Do you not know what a washcloth is for?” He looked at me as if I were Cra Cra…shrugged his shoulders and moved on.

  • If you dig down deep, you can survive anything. There has been a football poster on my fridge for almost 20 years.”When others begin to doubt you, remember what lies within you.” UHHH That would be The Holy Spirit.
  • Even though there was a lockdown, we worshipped online, and the entire family prayed our Rosary together often outside, during the summer months. Do you realize the tears that I held back, having sons and grandsons praying as a family?
  • My son gives his 8 year old twins a scripture to memorize once a week.
  • We, as a family, became steadfast and strengthened. If God will bring you to it, He’ll bring you through it.
  • God gave us such a clear vision of what was really going on.
  • Things are lining up prophetically for His return.

As the holidays approach don’t allow any of this mess to steal your JOY! Keep that 2020 Vision.. and remember… In the twinkling of an eye….. Come, Lord Jesus!

HEAVENLY FATHER: Place Angels and Blessings around all who read this during the Holiday Season.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith