Susie Quotes To Declutter Your Brain

2 Thess. 3:16 Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.

2 Cor. 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

It’s the last week of October 2020. What a year!
Harvest has been rolling along, and Susie Betty Crocker has been alive and well feeding everyone. I love to cook and it keeps me plenty busy.

Here is the scene at the farm as I write:

  • The beans are out and they started shelling corn.
  • The gentle rain has shut down harvesting.
  • There is a break in the fuel line in the grain truck.
  • A mechanic has been called and they are putting their heads together to see what else needs to be done.

My scene is somewhat different. I’m a Holiday Nut. The artist in me decorates for fall, and I’m already in the Christmas mode.

As I sit here typing, my Xmas Music is playing, the 3 Lab Pups are playing in the other room. My pumpkin candles are lit and a cup of coffee sits to my right.

Later on this afternoon, one of my tutoring students will arrive. I’ve created Gramma Susie’s Classroom/art studio in an empty room upstairs. I am blessed because friends started reaching out to me to help their little ones. This was totally God’s idea, not mine.

Even though it’s raining, it’s a perfect day. The warmth, the coziness, and the men in for lunch later on, fill my spirit.

Some of you are saying,”Well Bully for you. I don’t have that pleasure right now.” Well Friends, let me tell ya: at 71 years old, I’ve put in my time. I taught 30 years in the JA School System and 7 years at a private, Christian
Preschool. I raised 3 sons and lived with Mr. Moo Cow for 48 years. By the way, he milked cows, twice a day,7 days a week for 43 years. What’s a vacation?

So now is my time to be Gramma to the twins, kick back, and be obedient to what God has ordained.

On days like this, I think about the wisdom God has brought to my life, and how he’s melted so much baggage in my life.

I love to research certain words. From the words, God allows me to create quotes. So declutter your brain and enjoy!

  • I’m 71. Laugh, play with your Girlfriends and do the ridiculous. I’m still 5 years old in my head. Ya wonder why I taught Kindergarten for 26 years?
  • Humor gives you a miraculous distance between the fumes of reality.
  • Humor is a miraculous power. It heals. It lets go of anger and unforgiveness…..and guess what? When you’re laughing your ugly thoughts leave this world.
  • Laughter can lift the cloud of depression and heal your mind from ultimate trauma. Surround yourself with positive, humorous people.
  • God has one HELLUVA SENSE OF HUMOR: He created Catholic Sue from Cincinnati. He brought her together with Mennonite Linda from Souderton Pennsylvania. He Changed their names to Faith and Gracie…… and He said to Himself,”What a wonderful World.”
  • Belly Laughing is the greatest exercise in the world. It burns calories, increases endorphins, and makes you look ridiculous.
  • Laughter and Humor place a great distance between worry and anxiety.
  • Humor heals. Your gut can’t hold onto anxiety while you’re laughing.
  • Humor and the Peace of God can allow you to walk through tragedy without you becoming a tragic, frail figure.
  • God is a Comedian. He created us. He gave us free will…..and look what a mess we’ve made!
  • A good belly laugh is like taking your internal organs to the gym.
  • Be on your guard. The wisest man can love laughter, nonsense, and the ridiculous, as well as a fool.
  • The deep breaths that you take after a belly laugh, and the tears that flow, lower your blood pressure.
  • I’m exercising today. I’m stretching my wrinkles by laughing with my Girlfriends.
  • Recognizing the best in yourself, will allow you to recognize the best in others.
  • Before you react….BE your words and actions!

“Mrs. C. You are the reason my kids think that it’s ok to act like I’m five! Ha! Ha! You taught me a lot about growing up…or how not to! You have no idea how happy I am to see that you still have your goofy, fun-loving personality.”

HEAVENLY FATHER: Give all who read this, the gift of laughter.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith