Luke 12:25-26 Who by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

I LOVE THE FALL: Halloween, harvest, colored leaves, chili, vegetable soup, pumpkin pie, Football Friday Night, cool, crisp sunny days, holidays on the way, Hallmark Xmas Movies begin.

Fall decorations give a boost to my soul, with the sight of the holidays in the near future.

How did Halloween originate? Before the medieval days, it was celebrated as All Hallows Eve. On the night before All Saints Day, one would dress in a costume of a saint, and go door to door giving and receiving gifts and blessings from his neighbors and friends.

Halloween is such a fun time with the cute, little ghosts and goblins in their spooky costumes.

Halloween in the 50’s…what can I say? We lived in the country. So my mom would go to my aunt’s homes, and my brother and sisters would take us around the neighborhood.

Guess what? There were no hour limits for trick or treat. We went in the dark, with our silly plastic masks and costumes. In that era, it was totally safe.

Being raised Catholic, the next day was All Saints Day so, we had the day off of school. Therefore, we had a blast! It was not a scary celebration.

You didn’t have horrible, scary movies/tv/drugs/ evil lurking in the media.

It was after WWII. America was proud, Judeo/Christian, and united.

I am not one to fill my mind with horror films, or gut-wrenching garbage on film. Life is hard enough. I choose happiness. I choose family. I choose education. I choose fulfillment. I choose God. I choose a positive outlook, and I definitely fill my mind with the uplifting.

Have you watched any of the garbage on TV lately? Talk about spooky!

Yes, I’m a child of the 50-60’s. So you can guess what my hubby and I watch 90% of the time.

FOX is the only national news. Stars Western Channels, TMC, tv movies, Hallmark…that’s about it. My son and daughter-in-law are so discreet with the twins, and what they watch.

In this day and age, it’s easy to get spooked about family, jobs, finances, school, politics, every day stresses and health issues.

The above scripture assures us not to worry. However, it is often easier said than done.

Anxiety and depression are real issues that can lead to being spooked. However, there is help…if “YOU MAKE THE CHOICE,” to admit you have a problem.

God has sent a zillion people to me over the years to assist people with this situation. Why, you ask? Forty years ago, I was that patient. After my second son was born, I experienced horrific post-partum depression.

At that time, medications were just becoming available. However, I’m a strong, go-getter. I searched, prayed, and climbed out of the miry pit of self-destruction.

With meds, counseling, and GOD’S WORD, I found the key to recovery. Filling my head with positive thoughts, and memorizing scripture allowed no time for spooky thoughts.

Have you ever done any Bible studies by Beth Moore? She is an innovative teacher who truly believes in scripture memorization. Trust me, it makes a difference. God completely changed the way I thought and looked at things.

Getting busy, setting goals, and making sure that I achieved them, gave me a purpose for living. I went back to school, got recertified K-8, received my Masters Degree in’95, and taught Kdg. for 26 years.

I have family members that have a right to be spooked. My eldest sister, who is fighting stage-four cancer, is a phenomenal role model. She keeps going like the Energizer Bunny, and trying to allow God to use her by touching the lives of others.

Positivity comes through the Peace of Christ, and her’s is over the top.

God transformed my life. I always proclaim, “God took me apart, and put me back together the way He wanted me to be.”

You can do it! Get on your knees, and then make choices…DON’T BE SPOOKED!

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray for those facing health issues and those who are grieving. I’m praying specifics here. I lift up my sister and my cousin. I pray that you send angels to enfold them with your love, peace, and wisdom. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith