Wisdom Within My Morning Walks

Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter til the full light of day.

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

2 Samuel 22:13 Out of the brightness of His presence, bolts of lightening blazed forth.

There is no other time like sunrise on the farm. The sounds, the colors the stillness, and the Presence of the Almighty.

How anyone can look around this beautiful earth, and deny the existence of God, is beyond me.

I was blessed to be born into a family a faith. I was blessed, THAT I CHOSE, to marry a man of strong faith. Thus, our sons were raised likewise.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful of late. Harvest is upon us, my favorite time of year on the farm.

Everything is pumpkin…I bake everything pumpkin. I eat everything pumpkin….LOLOL!!!

One of my favorite quotes to my friends and family is the following: Fifty was nothing. Sixty was nothing. LOLOL! Seventy has kicked my butt. It’s getting harder to do stairs, get out of low chairs etc. Those of you who are my age, truly get it. Therefore, I’m beginning to shed those extra pounds that hinder me. I’m sure that it will make my life much easier.

Once Grampa Farm is done with harvest and plowing, we’ll head back to the gym.

In the mean time, I walk the farm. Sunrise is my favorite time of day. Getting stronger, I’m not only exercising my body, but strengthening my mind and spirit with God’s presence.

It’s my “Go To Time,” with Him. Remember the old quote,”You have not, because you ask not?” Well I believe in asking BIG, and praying BIG!

If it’s His will for my life and this world, He will accommodate.

Right now, my greatest prayer, other than protection and health for my family, is the redefining of AMERICAN CHRISTIAN VALUES.

Usually as I walk, I praise, count my blessings, and I realize that I serve a Big God. Never doubt that God is still in control.

Also, never doubt that Satan realizes that his time is short. Therefore, he’s out to gather any and all minds that he can.

As I walk and pray, it’s my time to “Let Go and Let God.” My greatest weapon against the Left is prayer.

It’s very hard for me to understand how a Christian can vote for a Pro-abortion Candidate. In the 1960’s that was a crime. Guess what? It still is, and in God’s eyes its murder.

I don’t mean to get too political. However, this past week, Gov. Cuomo of N.Y. just signed a bill that approved late term abortion. Oh! He and the two women beside him were smiling joyously.

As I walk in the stillness and I see the beauty of life all around me, I weep for the unborn, whom have been ripped from the womb.

My two nephews are adopted. Praise God, the women that bore them chose life. They are phenomenal men, whom are raising 4 children along with their wives. One is a pilot for United, the other is a Hospital Administrator.
They have contributed tremendously both to their communities and circles of faith.

Have you ever asked yourself,”How many Abraham Lincoln’s” were aborted? How many sacred gifts to this world were destroyed by the evil of mankind?

I just wonder how much longer, God will hold back His hand. No doubt that Covid was a huge wake-up call.

It’s time for me to walk now and spend my time with God. However I ask you to consider Christian values as you vote in November.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray BIG. I pray that God takes over the House and the Senate, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith