Scripture From The Book Of Sirach (Catholic Bible)

Chapter 6 :True Friendship 5-17
Pleasant speech multiplies friends, and gracious lips, friendly greetings. Let those who are friendly to you be many, but one in a thousand YOUR CONFIDANT. When you gain friends, gain them through testing, and do not be quick to TRUST THEM. For there are friends when it suits them, but they will not be around in the time of trouble. Another is a friend who turns into an enemy, and tells of the quarrel to his disgrace. Others are friends, table companions, but they cannot be found in time of affliction. When things go well, they are your other self, and lord it over your servants. If disaster comes upon you, they turn against you and hide themselves. Stay away from your enemies and be on guard with your friends. Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one FINDS A TREASURE. Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; those who fear God will find them. Those who fear the Lord enjoy stable friendship, for as they are, so will their neighbors be.

Susie Quotes:

Work Really hard At Becoming Your Own Best Friend.


Friends can really piss you off sometimes! Forgiveness and unconditional love is what Jesus does for us. These two gifts of mercy allow you to see their value and measure your own faults.

I had a friend many years ago, who was good for me, at that point in my life. When I rose above the occasion, and she didn’t, God told me that it was ok to move on. Some friends come for a reason. Some friends come for a season.

A true friend forgives, loves, listens, and forgives again.

In order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend.

I could go on and on about certain friendships in my life.

I graduated from an all girls Catholic High School in 1968. I have ZERO friends from 52 years ago. I was the country kid, was not Miss Popularity, and didn’t date The Captain of the football team. The only friend that I keep in contact with from College is my roommate.

As adults, we usually make our good friends through, our kids school events, work, church, or community events.

I have one beloved friend, that I made through the connection of football. She’ll be there for my lifetime. As we always tease, Our friendship is to “Infinity and beyond!”

All of our Spiritual Experiences…we walked through together.

I have another: even through Covid we are together at least twice a week.

Everyone is being smart, safe, and using their heads about the virus. However, being absent from your friends is a hard burden to bear. Their choice…not mine. I ask myself..”Are they true friends, if you haven’t seen them for a year?”

My Bible study group has finally gotten together. I am so BLESSED TO HAVE THESE WOMEN IN MY LIFE. These are my group of friends that I truly rely upon.

When you are choosing friends, it is best to be faith based, and share a lot of commonalities. These traits really protect you from future disagreements.

Giving your heart away to friends is a “Gift from God.” St. Francis truly nailed it as he spoke the following words: “It is in giving that we receive.”

There were two of us that helped our dear friend, get her house ready to show, hung with her for 3 months as we went through the sale of the house, and finally moved. We both helped in organizing after the move.

I’d do it all over again for the love of that friend.

So keep in mind as you choose your friends, remember the following:
– Make sure that you CAN TRUST THEM WITH YOUR HEART.
– Make sure that they will be with you even in affliction (Hello Covid).
– Make sure they will walk through fire with you.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I praise you for the friends with whom you have blessed me. As we choose our friends, always place God first, within the decision.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith