Prince Charming Falls Easily

The following scriptures speak of Rebirth:

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

John 3:3 Jesus said,”I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

John 3:13-14 Jesus answered,”Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again., but whoever drinks the water that I give him will never thirst.”

Young Women….let me give you a heads up…. ONLY GOD CAN FILL THE HOLES IN YOUR HEART….NOT A MAN!

Early in a marriage or an engagement, Prince Charming falls off of his horse very easily.

In our “I want it now” society, marriages/engagements end, before immature little girls often give it a chance.

My Sweet Farmer and I married right out of college. We didn’t have two cents to rub together. We moved on the family farm that had been rented out for years.

This now beautiful home…WAS A DIVE! Built in 1890, little or nothing had been contributed to its upkeep. Over 40 years, every room had been gutted and rebuilt.

Talk about Prince Charming falling…..he took one helluva plunge!


Here’ the scenario:

  • You are head over heels in love. You are all about each other. Then reality sets in. You ask yourself who is this person? I made a mistake!…I’LL TRY TO CHANGE HIM!LOLOL Good luck with that!
  • He milked cows twice a day for 43 years….REALLY? WHAT ABOUT ME?
  • In a strong, Christian relationship you have to learn your differences, and love the other persons for who and what they are at the time.
  • If you give your relationship a chance, and grow and mature together…there’s one helluva lot of love and respect that develops for one another.
  • If you shower the other person with love, and get off the merry-go-round of “You don’t fulfill my needs,” You’ll be amazed at how your love can grow.
  • You have to allow your spouse to be whom God created him to be. You have to zone in on the qualities that allowed you to fall in love with that person.
  • Only God can change and educate a spouse……NOT YOU!
  • HERE’S A BIGGIE! Once you seek God with all of your heart, mind and soul, He will send you a Godly spouse.

God never promised us that this life would be easy.

As I matured and my faith grew, God really allowed me to place things in perspective. While listing all of the blessings, God cooled my anxieties.

  • I married a man of faith, who loved his family and would never look at another woman. LOLOL…Besides, he was too busy working. I used to tease, as I talked about my husband’s profession.”He’s with 50 women twice a day.”
  • God convinced me,”The grass is not greener.” I had a sweet man of faith. Who wants to listen to a woman constantly bitching and complaining?
  • As I loved him more, my spouse responded the same way.
  • God began to open my heart, and I began to seek Him with a vengeance.
  • As I did so, blessings came pouring down.
  • We are all “Becomers” in this family. We are very goal oriented. His goal was to build this farm for generations to come.
  • My goal was to raise a family of faith, earned my Masters in Education, and taught in the Jonathan Alder Schools for 30 Years . My goal now…being obedient to God to author.


True peace and happiness comes from Him. Each morning, before my feet hit the floor I pray my list:

  • I am a child of God!
  • The Holy Spirit lives within me!
  • There’s nothing the two of us can’t conquer together!
  • I am worthy!
  • I am loved!
  • I am wise in the Spirit!

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the minds and hearts of young women who are seeking lasting relationships. Help them to seek your love and wisdom. Help them to realize that only through you, can their emotional needs be truly met. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith