I Will Not Be Defeated..I Refuse..Take Charge!

Psalm 40:2-3 He lifted me out of the slimy pit. Out of the mud and mire. He set my foot on a rock, and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see, fear, and put their trust in the Lord.

Psalm 42:5 Why are you in despair, Oh my soul? Why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.

Psalm 147:4 The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who
put their hope in His unfailing love.

Words of affirmation repeated in your mind, can actually make things happen. “If you believe…you will achieve.”

About a month ago, I was at a physical and emotional plateau that was not pretty.

I had been helping my friend pack up her house and finally move on Aug. 7. Falling into bed at 9p.m. with a “We did it” frame of mind, I was exhausted.

Within the hour, I’d gotten the phone call that my Cousin Ray Laible and his wife Gayle were both killed tragically in an accident. The funeral was Aug. 15. However, the funerals in the Laible clan were for three that week. Ray’s sister, my cousin Mary Jean, passed the week before. A Graveside service was scheduled for her Aug. 11. Thus, three funerals in one week was enough for me. After the long drive home from Cincy on Sunday, I was spent.

In June, I went Ortho One for my left leg: a shot and a few weeks of PT. Damn it! It’s back! I have to do the exercises and lose the weight.

It often happens that I hear my Granny talking in my ear.” “Self-Pity Stinks, Little One. Take charge..allow God to…rest and recover.”

Take charge? It seems like my entire life has been a take charge! Sometimes I’ll look at Tom and comment,”I can’t believe that I birthed 3 boys; complications with each one.

However, when you’re in the midst of childbirth you entirely take charge. You’ll do anything to get that sweet child born, and the pain over and done with.

Sometimes it’s easy to fall in the “pit” of Self-pity. Divorce, death of a family member, illness, loss of a job, moving, raising teens watching the Liberal News media: these can all lead to the “Why me God? Poor pitiful me.”

Yes these problems are all of this world. However, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, there is One who can help you overcome.

By mentally picturing yourself well and in control…it can come to pass. “If you believe, you will achieve.” Repeat daily heavenly phrases that will heal you mentally and physically.

  • I am healthy.
  • God is healing me.
  • I am the Daughter of the King.
  • God holds my hand, as we walk through this day.
  • I will rest in Him.
  • Peace, joy, and contentment surround me.
  • Today, God will make my choices for me, as I speak.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray for all those who read this prayer. May they be filled with the positive, knowing that You are the One who can pull them out of the muck and mire. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith