Our Family Legacy

Proverbs 3:6 In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

Phil 4:19 And my God will meet all of your needs according to His glorious riches.

Our son Joel is the Head Coach at Bishop Ready High School.

Recently, I was going through his football programs from the last few years. I noticed a theme that comes from his heart, and the way he was raised: FAITH, FAMILY, FOCUS, FINISH.

As I pondered this theme, God really brought to my mind, from whence it came. He was raised that way.

Joel was also under the influence and guidance of the University of Dayton Head Coach Mike Kelly from ‘94-’97. He was a class act, that taught my son the value of character, hard work, team/family, and faith. Therefore, my
son got a double dose of positive.

These are four words that empower:

FAITH: My husband and I were blessed to be born into families of faith. We are Roman Catholics, yet my firm belief:”My Jesus Has No Denomination.” I attend various other denominations with my friends: Columbus Vineyard, Big Darby Baptist Church, Northwest Bible Church. It’s all about a relationship with Jesus Christ.

FAMILY: A Christian Family is between a man and a woman. Read Genesis. God did not create Adam and Steve. That is my right to believe my faith. I pray for homosexuals, and it is not my right to judge them. I place them in God’s hands.

I believe that marriage is a sacrament. Living together before marriage is not ordained by God. Do I judge those that do, certainly not.

Upon retirement in 2014, I worked as a PAX Partner in Union and Madison County Schools. In one Kindergarten Class, out of 25 students, only 2 were from 2 parent families. The lack of love, discipline and good parenting were evident.

As a 30 year retired Kindergarten Teacher, this was the constant theme that sickened me: mom has 3 kids by 3 different men.

Having a a nurturing mother, and strong father of faith, builds children of faith and character.

FOCUS: In this family …we are Workers…Becomers…Goal Setters.

My husband Farmer Thomas graduated with a degree in Ag/Business. My first degree was a BA in Art Education. As I taught Preschool at Little School in the Prairie, our sons attended with me until they were school age.

I received my recertification and Masters Degree in Education from Wright State University. I taught 30 years in The Jonathan Alder School System for 30 years.

FINISH: My husband always taught the boys the following: “The job is not over til the work is done!”

In my family our boys were inundated with this thought process: If you start something, by God you’re gonna finish it!”

My husband and I would never allow hours of video games or cathartic behavior. They were always busy.

Here is a perfect scenario. My son in junior high, had a friend that was sent to military school. Why? The parents couldn’t control him. They were a super, liberally, educated couple, that had no clue how to parent.

The son returned home at the beginning of his Freshman Year. My son was helping me move into my Kindergarten Room uptown and exclaimed, “Mom, Oh my God look! He’s back running the streets again!”

That instant a light dawned within both of us. My son realized what a loser his friend was becoming. I came to the realization of the good parenting that Sue and Tom had accomplished.

Are you going to school? Finish it!
Are you applying for a new job? Finish it!
Finish the jobs that God has given you, be it parenting, teaching coaching, cleaning houses, or working in a factory. Each of us has different gifts. Use them and become a Light in the Darkness to those around you.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the eyes of parents to give their children the values of FAITH, FAMILY,FINISH, FOCUS. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith