Paint Pictures In Your Mind and See your Future

ARE YOU A BECOMER…..or are you mediocre?

Not everyone needs a college degree. However, you need to learn a skill with which you can bless others.

I was not raised with the following: “Let somebody else do it.” I was the Doer..the Becomer…the Leader.

I had no clue in high school what I wanted to do. Neither of my parents were college graduates and had no clue how to inspire me. I was very artistic; therefore Art Education seemed to be the genre that I would follow.

My dad was a smart man, and regretted horribly that he dropped out of high school. Therefore, he pushed higher education for all of his children.

After my three sons were born, “The Become Syndrome,” began to raise its pushy head in my direction. I am such a people person, and I was not meant to be a stay at home mom.

I went to Little School In The Prairie in 1981 and became an art/preschool teacher. I prayed for God’s direction, and envisioned myself back in the classroom at JA.

I’d lay in bed and picture my classroom etc. So I got in the saddle, and rode my way through recertification, and a Masters Degree in Education. Through God’s Grace, I taught 30 years in the Jonathan Alder Schools. You
have to make the picture of the life you wish to achieve…ARTICIZE IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PLAN IT.

1.) First you need to pray for God’s direction. I didn’t choose to be a Kdg. Teacher until I was teaching preschool. God had the plan and set my feet in motion.

2.)ARTICIZE…..Paint a vivid picture in your mind of yourself, actually living the experience you wish to accomplish.

3.) IGNITE: If you truly live with that picture in your mind, it will become a reality.

Here is God’s sense of humor…at 70 years old, I’m tutoring. My dining room and office were a total mess. So I began to Articize about how to create Gramma’s Classroom and Art Studio upstairs.

My handyman, who grew up with Kyle, is my creator. An empty upstairs bedroom is getting a large wooden storage cabinet, file cabinet, shelves, wipe-off board, table and chairs, writing charts, teaching posters on the wall, and large easel.

Once that is all completed, I can get carpets cleaned downstairs, and have my beautiful dining room back. My office will then be used for my
computer/blogging/authoring only.

LOLOL..YEP AT 70…I’M TUTORING.So if you know any K-3 Students that need help, since this Covid BS, have them come to Gramma’Susie’s Classroom. I’m very accessible to you and not costly.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the minds and hearts of of those who wish “To Become.” Allow them the grace to dream, and paint the picture in their minds, of that which they wish to achieve. In Jesus name ,I pray. Amen

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith