Listening to God’s Discernment

Eph. 4:1-6 As a prisoner of the Lord, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of The Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one spirit. Just as you were called to one hope, when you were called-One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; One God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all.

As a youngster, I’d always hear my Granny comment, ”Well that Dude didn’t rise above his raising.”

LOLOL…My five year old brain would ask, ”Raisins? Does that guy grow raisins?”

As I matured and finally understood the cliché, I was constantly trying to grow spiritually in my relationship with Christ.

I wanted better for myself, and my children than I had. My sister (Dr. Gail) and I were the two siblings out of four, that rose above, married good
Catholic Men, and raised great Christian sons. The two of us were determined “To Become,” and we made sure that they continued our legacy.

Those sons have grown into professional, faith focused men, inundated with work ethic. They touch the lives of young men with morals, values,
and giving back to the community.

Please don’t misunderstand me… I am writing basic facts. It’s not about look at me. It’s about who took over the lives of Gail and Sue. It’s about who we listened to at home, and in the Spirit that helped us to build a legacy to leave to our children, in comparison to the two siblings that are gone….and there is no legacy.

I am so sick of the fake media… their liberal genre… and feeding the parents the lies of “No Responsibility…. Free everything…. Hate
Christianity…. Pro-abortion etc.. Anti Constitution… Anarchists…. And Destroying our President.”

All of those, ”Ignorant and Uneducated,” that fall into the trap of Antifa and Liberal College Professors, that loot, riot, and destroy their own neighborhoods; who in the hell raised you? You either fell into the trap of a sick mindset, or were raised with no values at all.

My son has two brothers with whom he was friends in high school. There was a ton of money in the family. So what? Dad had a severe mental illness and destroyed the family. His money couldn’t save anything. He made zero choices to recover or love his family. The parents divorced, but mom was a woman of faith and values.

Those two boys……I could not be more proud of them; TALK ABOUT RISING ABOVE THEIR RAISING!

The eldest was influenced by my son, and was smart enough to choose a girl, whose family was a defining aspect of his life.

He is very happily married with three children. They are amazing parents, and belong to a strong church community.

Last night, we were at a family gathering. As I left, upon hugging his wife, I tearfully stated; “You have defined that young man’s life.”

The younger brother was a total mess, at one time. I truly believe it was God who helped him make the choice that would make him a man, and a positive character in his community. HE JOINED THE MILITARY!

He is a Master sergeant in the Army. As he sends me pictures of his progress, I praise God for taking over his life.

You know, I believe that Covid had its purpose. It was a time of repentance and reflection for many. If this episode didn’t bring you to your knees, nothing will.

The Holy Spirit is the only One who can resolve the anger and fill the holes in the hearts of those anarchists, that are creating American Terrorism.

IN NOV. IT’S TIME FOR THOSE OF US WHO LOVE OUR NATION TO STAND UP! Vote out all of the Dizz Brain Politicians who are allowing and encouraging this behavior.

Let’s take over the House and The Senate and get rid of the ”Lowlifes That Never Rose Above Their Raising!”

HEAVENLY FATHER: I ASK YOU TO COVER OUR NATION WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Open the eyes and hearts of those who wish to destroy our country. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Fearless Faith
Sue Cutler