Big Darby Baptist Church… A New Beginning!

Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Philippians 3:10 I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so
to somehow attain the resurrection of the dead.

Little did Emmett and Kelly Green realize, two days after their arrival at Big Darby Baptist Church, it would be destroyed by fire.

Some people would fold and be emotionally destroyed. However, God put into place Jeremiah 29:11 for the Green’s and the Church Community.

It was July 2 nd 5 a.m. I got up and let the dogs out. I’d heard sirens, but thought nothing of it, then went back to bed. I was awakened by a text
from my Dear Friend Amy Hammond at 7 a.m. “Pray! Pray!..Our church is burning!”

Big Darby has been a monument to the community for close to 150 years. Not only were John and Amy Hammond married there, but also Eli’s dedication.

I helped serve Rose and Herman Hammond’s 40th Anniversary Party and was the Maid of Honor in a good friend’s wedding, all at that blessed location.

It’s not hard to figure out that we have a history with the Hammond’s. On a humorous note; I was John’s 5 th Grade Art teacher, and some 40 years later, their son Eli’s Kindergarten Teacher.

We also had involvement with John’s family, as we were both in the dairy business, and he served as a 4H Advisor to two of our sons. At present, John and Eli are Tom’s right-hand men on the farm. We also claim Eli as an adopted grandson.

OMG! OMG! I flew downstairs and told Tom. He quickly went and did his chores, I dressed, and we were on our way. I could seek the smoke
curling in the sunrise.

After navigating two roadblocks, we arrived. Eli flagged us in, as we viewed the fire dept. finishing up the buzz and chaos.

I opened the door, hugging him in tears, “Oh Baby! I’m so sorry!” He filled us in on all of the news.

“You can’t believe all of the out reach of support from the community!” “ It’s overwhelming!” Eli exclaimed!

“You just sit back and watch God work,” I encouraged. “Your community will be even bigger and better than before.”

As the men gathered together, I searched for Amy. I found her at the picnic table. “Sue, this is Kelly Green, the new pastor’s wife. ”

The conversation of love, positivity, family, faith, and focus, was overwhelming. “This is definitely your Jeremiah 29:11 moment,” I added.

“We are so blessed to be here, ”Kelly stated. “Coming from the city, my husband just loves to sit on the front porch and listen to the quiet.” “This
is nothing…we will rebuild!”

As someone that has “A Story,” I sensed that the family testimony was huge! These are the types of people that God uses the most….those that have been broken….then rely on Christ to rebuild their lives

Then Amy made a profound statement. “Out of the ashes we will rise!”

As communities do, coffee and doughnuts were delivered. We sat there sharing and dreaming for their future.

Finally, I was introduced to pastor Emmett. “Wow…and after two days!” What an introduction to your new job!”

He laughed and we shared stories. I told him that I’m the most nondenominational Catholic he’d ever meet.

Throughout our conversation I kept getting this vibe. “Here is the New Shepherd…If you build it they will come!”

“May I make a comment before I depart.” “You have a Light that shines within you, Sir.” ‘YOU ARE MEANT TO BE HERE…..THE BEST IS YET TO COME!”

I believe in resurrection in all situations. Yes, this community will rise out of the ashes and be bigger and better than ever. Just sit back, and watch what our God will do.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray for the Community of Big Darby Baptist Church. I pray a blessing upon Pastor Emmett, and the Green Family. May he be a Shepherd to the community, and with your guidance, lead them to build a new Faith Community. In Jesus Precious Name I Pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith