My Spiritual Journey With Gracie

Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him have an ears what he says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

Habakkuk: 1:5 For I am going to do something in your days , that you would not believe, even if you were told.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets, so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; It will certainly come and not delay.

As I sit on my country porch, pouring out my hearts desire, I look back upon the person I once was, and now the person that God has recreated; not even close to the 22 yr. old bride that moved to Plain City in 1972.

Some of you may think that all of this spirituality stuff is a bit “CRAZO!” Well good for you. It’s not up to me whether you believe me or not. It’s my hearts desire that I share with you the “God Things,” that brought me to the present circumstance.

Here I sit, a 70 yr. old, wise, experienced wife, mother, Gramma, and retired teacher. Writing…authoring…blogging…who me Sue, from the dysfunctional family…. You want me to do what????

Hab. 2; 2-3 Write down the revelation and make it clear on tablets. So here I am, being obedient. My book, THE ERSTWHILE ACORN (in process) will tell of my entire journey. It tells the story of a very worrisome child, who made positive choices to climb the ladder out of despair.

With deep faith and the power of God’s reconstruction, she climbed out of the pit of depression, earned her Masters of Ed. And taught school for 30 years.

Since her retirement from the Jonathan Alder Schools in 2014, Her goal is to rescue others and teach them how to reach towards “The Son Light.”

There you just read the back cover of the book.

Throughout my climb, there have been numerous spiritual experiences that have blown my mind. Why He decided to allow me to experience these things, only He knows. I surely don’t. “Who me?” “I can’t do that!” Guess what?….I AM!

I will tell all in the book, but I’m assuming many of you question why I sign my name “Fearless Faith?”


In Jan. 2000, I went with my friend Linda and a group of women from Columbus Vineyard, to the Women of Faith Convention in Cincinnati.

In the book, you will read about the powerful circumstances of that weekend. However, in Feb., there were an abundance of little God things that came popping up all over the place.

Linda was given the name “Extravagant Grace,” through her own spiritual experiences.

Upon this revelation, I exclaimed, ”God will give me a name that begins with the word ‘Fearless’!” “The rest of it I have no clue!” “ God will fill that one in eventually.”

About two weeks later, Gracie called me and exclaimed, ”Hello Fearless Faith!”

It fit perfectly. From who I was as a child/young bride, to becoming God’s Little Butterfly who left her cocoon…the name fit perfectly.

Some of the people with whom I taught, are probably making fun of all of this. That’s your choice. I know that my God doesn’t lie, and that someday I’ll be a published author.

I write and blog, not to say, ”Look at me!” It is done because of the following circumstances:
*Jan. ’99 Book of Habakkuk…Given to me by Gracie. For I am going to do something in your day, that you would not believe, even if you were told…..
Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets. For the revelation awaits an appointed time. Even though it delays, wait for it, it will
surely come.
*Feb.99 Isaiah “You are called a repairer of walls, a re-builder of foundations.” Spoken over me at Columbus Vineyard.
*April ’99 Columbus Vineyard Blessing Night… Same Book of Habakkuk Scripture spoken over me once again by a complete stranger.
*Oct. 6 2000- At my home parish All Saints, Montgomery, Ohio
I knew that I was called there that day, to meet my cousin. Before mass, I prayed, ”Anoint me to do your work.” Habakkuk Scripture once again read.
*May 2014…2 weeks before I retired, I was at my cousin’s baptism at her Cincy Vineyard. She asked me to go into the prayer room before the ceremony. As I left, one woman stopped me and said the following: “God wants you to know two things:
“The roller coaster is almost over.”
“There is a quill that surrounds you.”

“Do you know what these mean?” “Absolutely!” I exclaimed. The roller coaster-I retire from teaching in 2 weeks.” “The Quill is a writing pen.”

I live in expectation to see what He is going to do with all of this!

*I am writing a daily devotional..don’t want to give the name yet.
*I am writing a book for a nonprofit organization for domestic abuse.

On a humorous note; with my OCD Personality, God had to give me Habakkuk over and over again, so that I would believe Him, and get off my but and get busy writing.

HEAVENLY FATHER: May all who listen to your Holy Spirit minister to others, and do your bidding. I Jesus Precious Name. I Pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith