My Boys, Toys, and Other Fond Memories

2 Cor.4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

Isaiah 61:3 They will be called “Oakes of Righteousness,” a planting for The Lord. This above scripture speaks volumes to me about our sons, and the way in which they were raised.

Since I AM THE ERSTWHILE ACORN…..God gave me the above special scripture about my boys one morning, as I was seeking Him through His Word.

April the 16, 2020: It was not only a day of hard, dirty work, but also one of love and laughter. Praise God I was spared….in a way.

Many families became creative organizing, cleaning, and remodeling during quarantine. I was intent upon cleaning this house from top to bottom. Such was the case one, sunny afternoon in April 2020.

After 48 years, the attic at the farmhouse was roaring from up above! “I’m in a Funk! Get Rid Of My Junk!”

First, I had to clean out the coldest bedroom that became my “Flingaree.” You get it. Right? I don’t know what to do with this item, that item; therefore I’ll fling it into my storage room and deal with it later. Well, I didn’t deal with it later, obviously. LOLO!

It took me two days to clean out, pitch and reorganize. There were boxes and boxes of photos to go through. I dealt with those for three days, as an aftermath.

Our three sons are PE/Health Teachers and Football Coaches. They are now ZOOM Teachers Extraordinaire! There would be weeks where they were on the computer 24 / 7. Then there would be a respite; “I AM COMING TO THE
FARM..E..I..E..I..OOO! Grampa and I were Oh so happy!

The Attic was a Monster waiting to be devoured by Cutler Warriors, with a work ethic like no other.

Farmer Thomas organized the following:

  • Borrowed a neighbor’s dump trailer. Once the trailer was full, all they had to do was take the mess to the burn pile, and dump; no hand pitching.
  • The “Flingaree” was totally emptied/cleaned.
  • A window in that room was taken out.
  • The dump trailer was parked beneath the window.
  • An assembly line was formed from the Attic to the window.


The Attic Monster was screaming! ”I’m melting!” “I’m melting!” “What a World!” What a World!”

I was sitting downstairs at my Art Center creating…yet listening to the hilarity and screams, coming from the upstairs.

“You Butt Head!” “That’s my sword!” “Oh No!” “Mom bought that toy for me!” “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Teenage, Mutant, Ninja Turtles!
“Transformers! More than meets the eye!”
“There’s my monster; Up from the depths 30 stories high Breathing fire

My men (44,42,36) were once again their fussing, fighting little brothers from so long ago.

Due to the fact that I lived in the testosterone pit with 4 men, often caused a lot of tears and prayers. Being the only woman in a household of four, strong, stubborn men was often more than any woman could handle.

Of course, when our boys were teenagers, we were the two, dumbest, most, embarrassing people that ever walked the face of the earth.

However, I was so blessed to have married a strong Christian husband, who handled those boys.

With Dad the farmer, and Mom the teacher, there was never a question of having a great work ethic. We were Yoda Fans, Bigtime! “You either Do or Do Not! There is No Try!”

With Tom milking cows for 43 years, plus farming, vacations were far and few between. The Madison County Fair was usually our summer getaway, and so much fun.

As I heard all of the screams and laughter coming from upstairs, I was listening, laughing, pondering and counting my blessings.

“Thank You Father God. You have molded them into Strong, Christian Men, who love their families and students. They give back to their communities, and touch the lives of many, in Your Precious Name.

Tons of hard work, prayer, and discipline went into building the lives of those young men.

As trash was being thrown into the dump trailer, it’s as if we were cleaning out sins, tempers, and immaturities from the past.

Now that they are adults, educated, and have great jobs, faith, family and focus are the rules they live by.

It felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders, getting that mess cleaned out of my house.

Yet, at the same time, it felt as if a ton of fussing, fighting, and stressful relationships had already been healed, and lifted from each and every soul.

All three of them work together, giving football advice and wisdom to one another; even though they all work in three different school districts.

God’s plan ….. It’s always His plan….

How many times within our lifetimes do we have to “Let Go and Let God?”

HEAVENLY FATHER: Thank You for the gifts of our children and grandchildren. No matter how stressful it becomes raising them, it is a blessing to know that You are in control of their lives. We gave our sons to You at their baptisms. Help them to grow in The Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith