Lillian Gish, actress: A happy life is one spent
learning, earning, and yearning.

Proverbs 4:6-13 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her and she will watch over you.. Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom.

Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.

She will set a garland of grace on your head. and present you with a crown of splendor. Listen my son, accept what I say, and your years will be many. I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered. When you run, you will
not stumble. Hold on to instruction. Do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.

Don’t know about Y’all? I am right- brained; reading, writing, art, creative. Math to my brain is like Chinese. I can add, subtract, multiply, and
divide….without a calculator. That’s more than a lot
of millennials can do.

My youngest son at 12 years old commented the following: “Is there ever a time that you neither have a book in your hand, nor you are at the computer?

I’m a muti-tasker..especially in front of the tv. Most women have 2 and 3 activities going on at the same time.

If you’re wondering what to do with your life, pray and run it by God for a time. Take steps in different directions, and He’ll lead you to the
correct path.

Learn all you can about the things that spike your interest. Then take classes for the genre that speaks loudly to your heart.

Once you learn, then you can earn a living from all of your positive choices.

If you’re a single mom, you need to find time for yourself to become the woman that God desires you to be.

BEST EXAMPLE: In 1972, when I began married life with Farmer Thomas, I was an Elem. Art teacher for 3 years in JA.

The next 5 years I was home with babies; however, I needed women friends and had an overwhelming desire to become.

Becoming an educator, once again, I taught preschool at Little School in the Prairie for 7 years. Within that span of time I got my
Elementary Certification.

I began to teach Kindergarten in 1990, and went on to get my Masters in ’95.

I LEARNED…I EARNED….. I YEARNED…for my Masters and to teach 30 years. By God I did! I loved my job, and my kids!

Now, I’m still learning….and yearning. I’m writing a book for a special friend that God brought into my life. He spoke clearly to me, ”You need to hook up with this woman. You see the power of The Holy Spirit within her. Work together.”

Therefore, I am writing her auto-biography for her nonprofit organization LOVE ME LIKE A PRINCESS.

I am also writing my auto- biography and a daily devotional. Twice I have clicked on publishing sites. Two guys have called me about publishing. REALLY???? I’m not even finished with one project, yet alone three. Oh and let me tell ya friends, they are smooth talkers.

My God doesn’t lie…I will publish in His way, in His time. He is my going out and my coming in. Just as He brought my first JA job to me in 1972…..He’ll help me complete the projects that He’s ordained.

AS I give the following info..IT’S NOT ABOUT ME! It’s about Jeremiah 29:11 and the plans God has for you. Once you read this, you cannot help but see God’s Glorious Hand directing it all.
Here are my God things:
– What are the chances that an Elem. Art Teaching position would be available in JA Schools? The chances were one in a million. Yet He brought me to it. I married Farmer Thomas, moved to Plain City, and the job was
mine. I taught 72-75.
– After the first 2 boys were born, I needed to get back into life: I’m not a stay-at-home Lizzie. I was raised to be a people person. That’s when
I’m most productive.
– I was at a Mary Kay Party. The presenter was talking about the preschool where she taught…I AM A BECOMER…..Within two weeks, I was the Art Teacher at Little School in the Prairie (81-87).
– The following year the Administrator asked me to become a Preschool teacher as well as an Art Teacher. It was during that time that
God directed me, ”You can do a K-3 in a heartbeat. Get re-certified for
– The next year I got the K Teacher, my friend Marcy, a job at JA. Therefore I took over as K Teacher for one year.(88-89).
– God kept me climbing the ladder. I had one more class to achieve re-certification In 89-90. I was rehired in JA as an Elementary Art Teacher for the second round.
– A BIG WRUNG ON GOD’S LADDER….90-91 I am hired as a full-time Kindergarten Teacher….My big dream came true after a lot of hard work. I TAUGHT K 26 YEARS.
– GOD is an energizer bunny….Aug. of ’92 my Nursing Proff. sister encouraged me. ”You are smart and you are still in the Becoming Mode.” You need to start working on you’re Masters. You’re going to have to get it sooner or later.” I was not an eager beaver. ”God is going to have to lay something in my lap or give me a huge sign. I’m running 2 boys to football, and teaching full-time. How’s that going to work?” I swear to you, one week later I’m walking into the Dutch Kitchen as two colleagues are walking out. “Susie Q, Wright State Univ. is bringing a Masters Degree Program to JA, one
night a week, for 3 years. “LOLOL God! Did you have to answer me so quickly?” I graduated with my Masters in ’95.
– My father passed in ’97. During the summer of ’98 I took 3 classes from Communicate Institute, in order to get my Masters plus 15:a step up on the pay scale. I took 2 courses from the same instructor. At the end of the second course, the instructor approached me. “I see a great deal of Leadership within you. I’m writing a new course for next summer. Would you like to become an instructor for Communicate Institute?” You can guess by now, I’M A BECOMER! I taught summers for CI from ’99-2004.Then He told me that it was time to move on.
– Many spiritual occurrences led me to begin to write.
– I retired from JA in 2014…and worked 5 years as a PAX PARTNER in Union Co. Schools.
– Jan 9,2017, my neighbor Jenn kick started my blog.
– Two years ago I met Michelle and am writing her nonprofit my two other adventures.

My blog and writing exists because God directed me times…3 different occasions….3 different people.. Book of Habakkuk: For I am going to do something in your day, that you would not believe, even if you were told…. Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets, so that a Herald (publisher) may run with it. Even though it lingers, wait for it, for the time will surely come. And not delay.


There was too much fear, apprehension and, ”Not Me! Ask someone else!” syndrome.


Two weeks before I retired, I went to my cousin’s baptism at her Vineyard Church in Cincy.

I was asked to go with her into the prayer room with some spirit-filled women, prior to the baptism.

As we left the room, one of the women stopped me. “The Holy Spirit wants me to tell you 2 things. ‘The roller coaster is almost over, and there is a quill surrounding you. Can you interpret these?”

My God never fails to amuse me. I quickly answered. ”You bet I do. The roller coaster is my teaching job. I retire in two weeks. The quill is a writing pen.”

How much clearer did God make my decision to blog/author? HE’S THE MAN!

HEAVENLY FATHER: Teach those who seek You, the path they are to take. Gently nudge them, and help them to step fearlessly into their future, as you hold their hands. Give them the desire to Learn, Yearn, and Earn. In Jesus Name, I Pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith