Toilet Paper Vanity

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land, and will strengthen your frame.

Phil 2:3-5 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be that as the same as Christ Jesus.

Phil 4:19 And my God will meet all of your needs, according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 14:15 A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thoughts to his steps.

It was a chilly day, and spring was near. All things seemed normal until the weekend of March 14. It was a peaceful environment…….until the monsters erupted and swarmed the London Krogers.

With their sharp claws tearing at all of the toilet paper, they beat down anyone in their way. Ripping and snarling not only at one another, but also the customer service workers.

A Purple Creature and his band of Lavenders, slithered toward the bottled water. Invading the section as a band of marauders, destroying the enemy. Throwing jugs at one another and screeching at the top of their lungs, they depleted the aisle of water in a millisecond.

The Green Monster and his band of Verdants, ploughed their way to the disinfectants. Bouncing bottles off one another, tearing open the Lysol Wipes and licking them ferociously.

It seemed as if all cleaning supplies were melting into to their enormous bellies.

The venomous creatures were pushing, shoving, and shouting blasphemous comments at one another.

Once the store was obliterated of any products, the creatures regrouped and advanced towards WAL-MART. God help those inside!

SOUND FAMILIAR…..So glad that I live in Madison County. I wouldn’t go towards Hilliard/Dublin right now for even toilet paper.

Praise God that we live in the country! We were so poor when we got married 47 years ago, that we did without a lot of things.
*We had to buy half of a farm, build a milking parlor, buy equipment, and room by room..over a forty year period……rebuild a 110 year old farm house.
*I taught school for three years until we got on our feet. Then I was home for five years having babies…AND TRUST ME FRIENDS…….WE DID WITHOUT BIGTIME….from 75-81.
*Farmer Thomas Milked cows 7 days a week, twice a day, for 43 years. I taught 30 years in JA and 7 years at Little School in the Prairie.
*Farmer Thomas still farms and loves it! After I retired in 2014, I worked part time as a PAX Partner in Union Co. for 5 years.

At 70, I’m blogging, authoring, getting back into my artwork, and babysitting grandsons.

This doing without is nothing to us. We have survived so much with the help of the Good Lord. Tearfully, I shared two memories with my husband.

We went for a weekend to his college friend’s beautiful home. I saw a beautiful trashcan with trash bags. That was something we couldn’t afford.

The second memory: It was fall of 1980. All of the friends that we had at church had nice homes; not that they were rich, but comfortable. They could afford to decorate their home since both of them had jobs. I was not yet back into the work force, so there was zero money.

I went back the farm lane, during harvest. I found some dried flowers, decorative weeds and bittersweet berries. I filled vases in my home and felt rich.

Things of which Millennials are ignorant:
*Why the hell are you hogging bottled water? Your water system is fine, especially if you have a well in the country. Farmer Thomas and I need distilled water for our CPAP Machines, only. I’m getting a Britta pitcher and use that for my Keurig.
*Why the hell are you hogging toilet paper? You Dim Wits! Do you not know what a washcloth, soap and water, and a washing machine are all about.

* I am saving my toilet paper to use as a hair band, as I clean.
* I am saving my toilet paper to make a wedding dress at a bridal shower.
* I am saving my toilet paper to make a hat.
* I am saving my toilet paper to make spit wads to throw at all of the DUMMIES THAT ARE HOARDING!
* AND GUESS WHAT …. With a handkerchief, and a washcloth…. I’LL BE CLEANER THAN ALL OF YOU.

OH BY THE WAY….. do you realize that vinegar is good for killing bacteria….so is alcohol.

Now I’d rather drink my wine than clean the counters with it……but it can work!!!!!

PLEASE….EVERYONE COOL YOUR JETS: Work on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We’ll all survive, if you calm down.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I praise you and thank you for bringing us together as a nation. I praise you and thank you for bringing families back together. Oh Father….a small request: get the Dummies heads in your Holy Word so they learn …NOT TO FEAR.LOL! MARANATHA!!!!!!

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith