Happiness Is A Choice.. Don’t Dwell On The Past

Isaiah 1:18 Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Happiness is a choice! No matter what challenges life has brought your way, you can choose to be “Poor pitiful me,” or face it head on with positivity.

An attitude of gratitude can outweigh any pain, fault, shortcoming or illness. Gratitude can increase your dopamine and decrease depression.

Praise God that He paid the price in full. Last week one of my friends commented, “Yesterday was a bad day. For some reason, I was self-loathing about the past.”

“Oh Girlfriend!” I quipped. “That’s not God condemning you, that’s the evil one up to his malicious tricks. If he thinks that he can get into your mind even for a millisecond, he’ll try.

We have all fallen short of the glory of God…..BUT GOD AND HIS GRACE!

Being raised as a very sensitive child in the 50-60’s era was not an easy pill to swallow. Everything was rules and legalism…UGHHHHH!!!!

So you can guess, after 12 years of nuns, I took a break in college. Catholicism is now gentle…Bible read and Bible fed… at least the way I look at it. I’m not about all the legalism.

Dwelling on the past is like sticking a knife in an old wound. You need to cauterize those wounds with God’s freedom and grace.

OK…. For those of us who tend to be somewhat OCD…the evil one loves to sneak into our thoughts.

However, God has taught me a system that truly works. As soon as those thoughts of beating yourself up arise out of the darkness…reach for the light by doing the following:
Empower your thought processes with phrases of thanksgiving
– Praise you, Father for your joy!
– Thank You, Jesus for salvation.
– Holy Spirit be my every thought and transform my mind.
– I am a child of the king.
– I am loved, I am worthy, I am forgiven.
– Joy, peace, calm fill my day.

In order to beat the evil one…and note I will never capitalize his name… YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR………….PAST!! LOL Fooled You?

If you have just experienced a traumatic event, you must allow The Carpenter to begin to reconstruct your mind and well-being. You will not be doing it alone.

Talk about creating your own happiness; I laugh at God’s sense of humor, each and every time I talk to my sister on the phone. We are the only 2 family members remaining on this earth.

She is the eldest child. I am the baby. She is the prime example of God taking over someone’s life. Stage 4 cancer returned 2 years ago, and we all thought her life was over. LOLOL! This is her second winter in Fla.

Being a very strong woman, she built an amazing life within her Fla. church community. She’s involved in the Bereavement Group and ministers to others.

Yes, after being a widow for 7 years, and dealing with her cancer, she still creates her own happiness.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray that Jesus the Carpenter can help to reconstruct the lives of the down trodden. Please, Lord….give them the desire…the want…to be healed and become. In the Name of Jesus, I Pray. Amen

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith