He Works Behind The Scenes Carving Your Path.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”

Psalm 27:11 Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.

Psalm 23:3 He leads me in the path of righteousness for His namesake.

Psalm 119:45 I will walk about in freedom, because I have sought your precepts.

I see my life as a mural….a work of art. God is the Master Painter.

My mural has a lot of texture, sand, thick paint from a palette knife, and smooth surfaces; and good Lord, THE COLOR!!!

My young life begins somewhat rocky with different shades and textures of blue. Somewhat of a chaotic environment, due to my father’s mental illness, was overcome by the love, nurturing, and faith of my beautiful mother. I learned strength through faith and adversity.

There is some lavender in a few swirls because I knew that I was smart, a leader, and that education was the key to everything good. Any hue of purple symbolizes empowerment.

There is a peaceful period for a short time. College and early marriage add in a bit of green for serenity.

At 28 yrs. of age, my mural begins to build a huge, deep blue mountain range. It’s mostly royal blue, due to the many lessons that I learned. However, there are many cracks, crevices, and textures of black and gray added within.

After our second son was born, I experienced horrific, post partum depression in 1978. I was hospitalized for two weeks; however, it took a few years to recover fully.

In 1981, God began to rebuild and sculpt my mural. I started to get back into life, make new friends, and taught preschool. My mural had a section of many hues of green, with trees, leaves and flowers. He was walking with me through His verdant pastures, holding my hand. Oh there were still some rocks, crevices, and rough textures; but there was nothing we couldn’t walk through together!

He guided me to go back to school and get re-certified. I began to teach Kindergarten, and 5 years later, earned my Masters in Education.

The mural was becoming bold. Beautiful swirls of lavender were sweeping up to a plateau of deep purple.

He guided my spouse and I to raise three godly sons of deep faith, morals, and values. There were hills and valleys and some rocky places on the mural, but they were all purple.

Up on the plateau of my mural is now beautiful ridge of purple foliage.

God has taken me through 47 years of marriage. I raised three boys, taught in JA 30 years, and taught 7 years of preschool. Now I am on that purple plateau of retirement.

LOLO .. not really…I’m blogging, writing 2 books and a daily devotional, involved with grandsons, church, bible study, and Madison Herb Society. Plus, I am blessed with a plethora of godly women friends.

My mural is a plateau of deep, purple foliage. At 70 years old, I see flakes of gold that glimmer.

He still has plans for my life. There’s many things yet to teach and many lives to touch.

My Granny said it correctly. “With age, comes experience, wisdom, and empowerment.”

Allow God to lead you.

Allow God to paint your mural.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Melt the fears and “What ifs,” of all of those who worry in depth about their futures. Give them peace Lord. Teach them to allow you to lead. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith