My Mind Was Opened To A New Way Of Thinking.

MATT. 11:28-30 Come to Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Mark 7: 33-35 After He took the man aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the mans ears, then spit and touched his tongue. He looked up to heaven with a deep sigh and said,”Ephphatha,” which means, “Be opened.” At this, the man’s ears were opened, and his tongue loosed. Then he began to speak plainly.

OMG! The young Sue.
– A child of deep faith- yet fear of God from legalism in Catholicism (50-60’s eras)
– Thought she had to earn heaven- didn’t truly understand Grace until she was 50. The past 20 years have been an “Ephphatha,” in spiritual growth and wisdom.
– Knew she was smart, had a great work ethic, yet not confident in certain areas.
– Was a constant worrier, until God took over and gave me direction physically and emotionally.
– Had a lot of holes in my heart that only God could fill.
– Became very proactive with my health, and allowed my mind to be transformed though God’s Word. I never knew what a Bible Study was until I was 30.
– He transformed me from a worrier into a warrior.
– He sent many to me, that I might minister to them.

I am in the process of writing my autobiography entitled, THE ERSTWHILE ACORN.

Once you understand where I came from, and the transformation that God has brought about in my life, then you’ll acknowledge why He has ordered me to blog and author.

I have a Dear Friend, who walked along with me on this spiritual journey. Her rescue from an ugly marriage and transformation to a life fulfilled with “The Son Light,” and mentoring is a book in itself.

MY POINT: We were both weary. We needed our burdens to be carried by another…..and He did just that.

I was taught how to be strong. I was shown how God had a plan for my life. I was shown that at times, I had to wait upon the Lord.

One thing that totally blew my mind was how God revealed His wisdom and made it totally personal.

My prime example is the account of the first time that I read Proverbs 31,The Woman of Noble Character.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that God gave me the color purple for many reasons.

Blue was the color of my childhood. I still love the hue tremendously. However, being an artist, color defines my life.

I was blue as a child. My father suffered from a severe mental illness; thus, life in my household was not easy. After my second son was born, I suffered from severe postpartum depression, and realized, ”Damn, I inherited a few of those genetics!”

Being a survivor and a believer in making positive choices, I fought my way back to normalcy and a peaceful existence.

However as God walked me through His word and verdant pasture of healing, I loved the color green. It was the symbol of peace, healing and serenity.

Then it was if I was walking in sync with The Holy Spirit, and everything became purple.

One morning, as I read Proverbs 31 for the very first time, I was excited, because I knew that God was calling me A Woman of Noble Character.

As I got to the line, ”She is dressed in fine linen and purple, tears streamed down my face. “This is a blessing for you,” God spoke to my heart.

Seek Him, and He will give you, your own ”Ephphatha!”

HEAVENLY FATHER: I praise you for transforming my mind, to become in sync with The Holy Spirit. I pray that you send mentors to those with mental illness. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith