Joey at Walmart

2 Cor3: 8 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness, with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Getting a huge amount of groceries at 2 different stores, is a lot for this 70 year old chick. In the future, I might consider taking Mr. Moo Cow along, to help load them into the car. One of the statements in my Bible group is, ”God’s got this.” Yesterday, He certainly did.

As always, when I’m checking out, I start a conversation with the person behind me, if a young student is involved.

I always start by saying, ”And this Kindergarten Teacher wants to know what grade you are in this year?” We talk about school, getting good grades, sports, goals and I give the student the “Susie Pump Up” about becoming. If he is involved in sports, I’ll tell them that I’m the high school football coach’s mom.

The young man behind me, told me that he was more of a scientist and loved to solve problems. “So someday, you may be a computer programmer that changes the world,” I encouraged.

As we played around and talked a bit, mom informed me that she got a part time job in Columbus, City Schools as a reading specialist.

As my cart started getting fuller, I had to stop our conversation to load up. Without hesitation, or a nudge from mom, Joey politely asks, ”May I help you load your groceries, Mam?”

The checkout lady’s mouth dropped open. My eyes filled with tears. I looked at mom in shock and awe. ”Lady, you are an amazing mother, and have done one heck of a great job raising this young man!” “Absolutlely you may help, Joey!” “I would really appreciate your help!”

As our conversation continued, Mom informed me of the following: These other 3 children are my cousin’s children, who were placed in foster care.” “Now after much ado, they are mine.” “I prayed that God would allow me to raise them.”

“God is so going to bless your life so much, for taking upon that responsibility,” I chimed.”

As I was ready to checkout, I asked mom, “Would it be ok if I gave him $5.00 for loading all of this in my car?” “I’ve got 2 carts.” Mom answered, “He may not take the money, but he’d be delighted to help you.”

Joey and I proceeded to the car. He helped me unload. We hugged a final good-bye, as I said, ”Remember Joey, God has big things planned for you.”

*Positive Expectation has been laid down in the character of that child.
*Education matters
*He’s raised in a non-violent environment.
*They are Christians.
*Love and gentleness of the Holy Spirit as the mom rescues those children from foster care.
*Respect and values taught
*He’s not being ignored and running the streets.
*He is valued as a family member.
*His mother doesn’t have 3 kids, by 3 different men.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray for a great Enlightenment to occur in this country. I pray that abortion, foster care, homelessness, drug addiction, and any other mindless sins be eradicated from our nation. These are godless people who don’t know you, and are filled with the lies of Satan. Open their minds to the Word of God. Bless those parents who raise their children with morals and values. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith