Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and he meditates upon it day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose does not wither. Whatever he does, prospers.

TEACHING IS NOT A JOB…IT IS A MINISTRY! If you don’t believe this, and are just putting in the years, then you need to get out of the business.

I started out as an Elementary Art Teacher from ’72-’75. I was home having babies for 5 years. My next step to regain my career was to teach at a private, Christian Preschool from ’81-89.

I re-entered Jonathan Alder Schools, once again, as an Elementary Art Teacher 3 days a week during ‘88-’89. Since God directed me to get my elementary certification, he laid a Kindergarten position, right in my lap in ‘ 90. From 90-2014 I absolutely, loved being a Kindergarten Teacher” at Monroe Elementary.

Having been an Art Teacher previously, I could use my creativity to the max. Reading, writing, art, music, drama…we did it all.

Let’s put it this way, Friends. From 1956- 1968, I had 12 years of Nuns… need I say more?

As a teacher, I wanted my kids to know that they were worth loving, and earning a good education. I wanted to ingrain within them love of God, fellow man, love of self, and a great work ethic.

You realize that I couldn’t Biblically teach anything, but I hoped that The Spirit within me touched their lives.

My greatest desire was for my students to absolutely “love coming to school.” I was good at building relationships with each student, at his/her own level.

However, my heart’s desire was to make school FUN!!!! I was playful, as much as possible; but they knew that I was the boss, and “Don’t mess with me.”

As I read a story, I did the crazy voices and acted out the characters. One of my favorite activities entailed reading the book by Jan Brett,
“The Mitten.”

We made mittens, colored and cut out the characters. Then I taped a huge mitten in masking tape on the floor. The kids loved jumping in and out of the mitten, pretending they were the characters.

Each morning, after the Pledge of Allegiance, we said our Kindergarten Pledge:
I Am The Best,
Just As Good As The Rest.
I Am Special,
And Mrs. Cutler Loves Me.

Quite often, I’d look at a less fortunate child and ask, ”How come I love you so much?” “Because God made you special.” The kiddo would smile, laugh, giggle, and I achieved some light in his/her life.


God bless the teacher who can still give his /her students love, knowledge, and playfulness. If you were a student of mine, at one time or another, know how much I loved you, and how special you were to me.

Before I close, I want to tell you of an episode last year at Kroger’s. As I was getting out of my car, this handsome Dude was getting into his car next to me.

He slammed his gallon of milk on the roof of his car and exclaimed, ”OH My God! Mama Cutler! Come here!” Laughing heartily, I went over to hug him and answered, “Well, you are obviously one of My Babies. However, since you’re all grown up, you’re going to have to identify yourself!”

Hugging and laughing, we sat in his car for 20 minutes catching up. What a joy it was to get such a response from a former student!

HEAVENLY FATHER: Bless those who teach our children. Give them the patience, wisdom, knowledge, and love to withstand all, that administrators place upon them. In Jesus Precious Name, I pray. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith