Over The River And Up The Hill To Dublin We Will Go

Catholic Bible…The Book of Wisdom Ch.6 13-17
Stay away from your enemies, and be on guard with your friends. Faithful Friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one, finds a treasure. Faithful Friends are beyond price; no amount can balance their worth. Faithful Friends are life-saving medicine; Those who fear the Lord enjoy stable friendship, for as they are, so will their neighbors be.

May, 2006… it’s Friday night. Dad is milking…time to call Gracie.

It’s spring! Tom is busy planting and nurturing his farm…..whatever….it’s time to play.

We hopped in Gracie’s car. The moon roof is open; shorts and sandals are part of our fashion. It’s time to play and embrace the warm weather.

We ran through McD’s to get an iced tea, and headed up the hill towards Dublin. We were all about having fun, and ready to create more of it.

As we sauntered up the hill, there was quite a bit of traffic for Friday night, especially with the weather being so awesome. We were stopped at a traffic light. Cars were bumper, to bumper so snail acceleration was describing it mildly.

As we neared the corner of Sawmill Rd, I could see a young man grilling outside of a tiny food place. He was on the side of a building, next to a small service road.

“Oh, Gracie!” “Pull up next to that guy, and follow my lead.” She swung through the lot and zoomed up right next to the young man.

I rolled down my window exclaiming.” Hey Cutie!” “I’ll have siX cheeseburgers, three fries, and a chocolate malt.” Gracie chimed in,” Also, son can you make those cheeseburgers with everything and add 2 vanilla shakes too?” We were laughing hysterically!

The young Dude, who was about 16, was totally speechless! He looked at us, mouth agape face squinting, as if to say, ”What the heck just happened?”

“We’re just messing with ya, Hun, having a little Friday night fun!” “Have a good one Cutie,” as we sped off into town.

The success of our antics added to the hilarity of our trip. Next stop would be Panera.

After a repast of soup, salad, bread and dessert, we headed to Meijers to do some shopping. Of course, this always included playing with the Tigger Toys and any other animated goodies.

Next on the agenda, was coffee and dessert at Star Bucks. While sipping our café mochas I came up with another zany idea.

“Oh Girlfriend… I’m verweeee crazy tonight!” “Let’s get our little grill man a Java Chip Shake.” “Let’s walk into the restaurant, hand it to him, then deal him a special line.” “Remember what Renee Zellwigger says to Tom Cruise at the end of the movie, JERRY MCGUIRE?”

Gracie was in for the kill. We found the small restaurant, walked in, and asked to see the young man. He came from the kitchen with a look of shock and apprehension on his face.

I handed him the drink, and we both dealt the line. ”You had us at hello….You had us at helloo.” “Have a great night, Cutie.” Again in hysterics, we bolted to the car.

My last vision of Mr. Cutie, was him holding the drink. As we bolted for the car, the climax of our creative hysterics came to a realization. That young man never spoke one word to us, the entire time we stalked him.

OK…You had to be there. It was no more than creative, innocent fun.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Thank You, for the blessings of girlfriends. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith