I’m Under Construction

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever lives in me, and I in him bears much fruit. However, apart from me, you can do nothing.

Yep! It’s one of those days. I’m hiding under the covers with a huge sign on top that states, I’M UNDER CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT DISTURB.

The last two days have been a royal pain in the butt. Anything that could go wrong did. Nothing major…just enough nitpick things to make you crazy.

*Took hubby to Urgent Care Left at 9:30…just a cold.
*Dead battery at Urgent Care..had to wait 45 mins. for AAA. Didn’t get home til noon.
*Went to 2 grocery stores, had to load and unload by myself. WHEW! Then fix dinner. What a day!

*I’m Betty Crocker. The fridge was bare, so I needed to get busy. OOPS! TAKE A BREAK..the doggies want out.
*Not watching what I’m doing ,I step off the driveway curb…and….FALL FLAT ON MY FACE..LITERALLY! Thank God I went into the grass, and I have a great deal of padding. Sadie Pup here’s me scream. She comes running and gives me a licky bath that won’t stop…as I lay in the grass laughing. Now, I need to try to get this big butt up off the ground. WHEW! I made it.
*Gotta make sure what I’m baking is timed correctly. Pumpkin Oatmeal-baked well. I place one in fridge and one in the freezer. Mac’ N Cheese looks great and it’s edible. I place the cake in the oven…time it half an hour. I take them out. They look good. God forbid I should take the time to check the middle with a toothpick. I go back 20 mins. later…one is caved in…damnit! Back in the oven. OK I can finagle it to look great. Frosting covers a multitude of sins. Back to the store…stop at Diane’s….home and fix dinner.

I was at the eye doctor at 7:45 a.m. SOUND FAMILIAR? Got my allergy shot. Ran errands, and Mr. Moo Cow calls. ”I locked my keys in the car. Come get me.” I went back and finished errands…and guess what? I WOUND UP IN URGENT CARE WITH A SORE THROAT AND MY HUBBY’S COLD!

When I had boys in school it was the following: Get up at 5 …. get kids off to school start the crockpot…be at school by 7:30…teach all day…run to football ..help with homework…do laundry…. Get meal prep for next day’s dinner….. help pack lunches….NO HELP…FROM MR.MOO COW….He had 50 cows to milk and 300 acres to farm. STOP…LORD HELP ME! Well God help’s those who help themselves.

If I would have started my day with Jesus, placed some peace in my heart, I wouldn’t have been running around like a maniac.

It’s hard to admit that I’m 70 and I have to slow down.

AFTER I FELL MONDAY MORNING….I was laying in the grass laughing hysterically. You have to see humor in all of this craziness. Each family…that parents well, have the stresses of job and raising kids.

Most of the time we all do the best that we know how to do.

SOOOOOO, AS THE 1960’S SONG SAYS, ”I’m gonna pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again.”


With our faith we can do it…even when you fall flat on your face…literally.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the eyes of those who don’t want to parent. Help them to see the lives of their children as valuable. Bless the long enduring faithful, who endure the stresses of raising valuable children. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith


  1. Debbie Duran | 19th Sep 19

    Ms. Susie, your words of truth and humor came to me at just the right time. I will continue to watch for your posts.

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