Two Dear Ones Whose Positive Attitudes Aided Their Healing Process

James 5:13-15 Is any of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call on the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.

Let me tell you stories about two profound, strong women who took their own health care seriously. In pulling their own strings, they climbed the ladders of restorative health, because of their “I CAN “ attitudes. They both believed, ”With God, all things are possible.”

First, I’ll introduce you to Zelda, my sister. She is a retired nursing professor, so she’s all about health care. Ten years ago she survived breast cancer.

It came back two years ago, in other forms, with a vengeance. The stress of dealing with her husband’s brain cancer for two years and final
demise, set her over the edge. The cancer returned to her liver, spine, and
ribs. Her prognosis looked very bleak. She was bedridden the winter of ’17. I was convinced she would be gone by May.

Her Oncologist was amazing! He gave her a drug called Zometa: it tells the body to fill the holes in the bones. Plus she took chemo treatments. Finally, she would just get the Zometa monthly and an oral chemo pill.

Little by little, I saw strength return. However…her POSITIVE ATTITUDE WAS OVER THE TOP! She kept telling me, ”I’ll be spending the winter of 2018 in Ft. Meyers. I was an unbeliever. Never doubt one of Raymond’s (our crazy dad) Daughters. Once we have our mind made up…there’s no stopping us.

She had an amazing winter in Fla. I visited for a week with friends. At the present, she’s living in her Nana Apartment in Dayton, and running the grandkids everywhere. She’s even able to drive from Dayton to Columbus. Attending daily mass has become a ritual of thanksgiving.

This past week end, she drove from Dayton to see her two nephews football teams, play against each other. My eldest son, Joel is head coach at Bishop Ready. Our youngest son, Kyle is head football coach in London.

She sat through the entire 7 on 7,and stayed up until midnight visiting. The next morning we went to the Der Dutchman for breakfast. What a
great weekend we had! Her plan is to return to Florida this winter.

Now, please allow me to introduce my other good friend, Velma. The two of us taught in the same school district for 25 years. Her story will
knock your socks off.

Her family doctor had placed her on a statin drug for cholesterol. NOT A GOOD IDEA! Her kidneys began to shut down, and she was in a
rehab for 3 months.

During her dialysis treatment, she saw and heard a lot of red flags. The health care attendants were extremely negative. Ex: “You’re never getting out of here.” “You’re most likely going to need a transplant.”

The dialysis beds were right next to one another. The patient was never taken to a private room for a discussion with a doctor. She even overheard a doctor tell a patient next to her, that it was, ”Time for Hospice.”

My strong, ”Little but Mighty” friend looked at her attendant and constantly repeated, “I’m getting outta this chair!” I won’t be in here forever!”

During her treatment, a Social Worker met with her to ask for a review of her treatment. Let me tell ya, friends. My little (5ft.) friend unloaded! At the next treatment, there was no negativity.

Next, they wanted to place some type of port in her arm, that could eventually cause a fistula and other issues. Also if she allowed them to proceed, she would never be allowed to have blood drawn, from that arm.

She was bound and determined to only allow them to use a port. The doctors fought her on this, but finally caved to her desires. Thank Goodness! Velma is now well, and her kidney function has returned. She has to remain on a special diet and medication, but overall her health is great!

Her smile is infectious! When you ask, ”How ya doing, Girlfriend?” It’s as if the sun came out, on a cloudy day. With that effervescent personality, she’ll tell you,” With God, all things are possible!”

One thing my sister taught me well, was to become proactive with your health care and do the following:
*Ask questions
*Ask them to discuss all procedures

  • If YOU don’t think it’s a good idea, and won’t
    benefit you…DON’T ALLOW THEM TO DO IT!
  • YOU know your body, and what you’ve
    experienced more than any doctor does. Stand up
    for yourself.

My Prime example: In high school, the doc placed me on steroids, for a hormone deficiency. Guess what? I blew up like a balloon and got off
that crap ASAP! I’ve birthed 3 healthy boys, and lived with the mild deficiency.

This is funny. I just had my thyroid removed, due to a large number of cysts. The doc told me, “It needs to be removed for cancer prevention.” However, he found the slight hormone deficiency, which I’ve lived with for 50 years. His words: ”I could place you on steroids for that.” I laughed in his face. I knew my own body, and owned my own health care.

My ENT, whom I dearly love commented, ”You have a deviated septum, which I could fix for you.” I laughed at him too.” My response: “ When I first got married, at 23 years old, I had my tonsils removed.” “ That surgery was worse than my hysterectomy!” “Anything above the neck…YOU AIN’T TOUCHING ME!”

Finally, this is the type of doctor, for whom you should look. My Tom was ready to go into surgery to have his ankle replaced .My Guardian Angel…Doctor Gregory Berlet… Ohio Health, Africa Rd… Tom asked him, ”Well Doc, are you ready to take good care of me?” His response: “Yes, Sir!” “ I worked out this morn, I prayed for you, and I’m ready to go!”

As tears flowed, Doctor Greg came over, hugged me and said,” No worries, Hun.” “God and I, we’ve got this!”

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray for doctors, nurses and all health care workers to pray for their patients. Allow them to have great listening ears, and to help their patients build positive attitudes, and believe in miracles. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith