She and Mom Blessed Me With Their Wisdoms Because I asked and Listened

James 1: 2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers when you face trials of many kinds. Because you know that testing your faith develops perseverance.

I was so blessed to be of the linage of mom and granny. It’s their faith, teachings, and examples that led me to Christ. Oh I was somewhat of a rebel in my youth, but my faith was my foundation.

Granny always said,” With age comes wisdom, and experience is the best teacher.” At 70 all of her words have come to fruition.

I am a practicing ..born again….charismatic…Catholic. My Jesus has no denomination, and I can proudly say, both of those women raised me as

Those two women were such an example of faith and strength to my sister and I.

Granny’s Story:

*Born May 18(the month of Mary) 1886.her dad owned a saloon in Over The Rhine in downtown Cincinnati…. She and my great-Aunt, as little Dutch girls carried water, they carried beer buckets to the German factory
*Before the men would drink their beer, they put a hot poker in it from the fireplace, to kill off bacteria.
*She went to the 6th grade. They put a corset on her and sent her to work in the shoe factory, where she met my grandfather.
*She stood on the dock as soldiers left for the Spanish-American War. She was 16 in 1898.
*Her dad was a very strict, hard-core German, but not abusive.
*For Christmas, all she got was an orange.
*She married in 1908. She was married to Charles Laible for 55 years.
*Childbirth was horrific. Edith (My Aunt Sis) was the eldest. She gave birth to my Uncle George on July 1910. It was 90 degrees, under a tin roof, and
no modern meds. She was told not to have another child. My mom was born in 1916. Thus, she slept in a separate bedroom- Catholic rules on birth control were horrendous.
*She lived through typhoid and had all of her teeth pulled due to it.
*In 1918, antibiotics were non-existent. My mother, at 2 yrs. of age, was in a coma for 2 days, due to meningitis. My Granny prayed her rosary to
the Blessed Mother, nonstop at her bedside. She promised that she would spread devotion to Mary, if Ruthie were healed. My Granny donated a
statue of the Blessed Mother to St. Catherine’s Parish in Ft Thomas KY., once my grandfather started making good money.
*She lived through the assassination of President Wm. McKinley in 1901.
*She lived through WWI.
*She lived through WWII.
*She lived through the Korean War.
*She lived through the death of all of her siblings, her husband, her daughter, and my sister at 27.
*She lived through the assassination of JFK.
*She lived though the Viet Nam War.
*She lived though all of my mother’s three miscarriages.
*She lived through the death of my sister and unborn child.
*She was there for me during my two serious illnesses (age 10,age 28).
*During my 20’s, I went through all of her pictures. I questioned, listened, and learned of my legacy.
*She passed on May 19, 1980 one day after her 94th birthday.

Please, all of you who are Non-Catholic read the 15 Promises of The Rosary given by Blessed Mother. This will help you understand Marian Devotion. Only the Trinity is God-not Mary.

Get to know some old people/wise people that you can learn lessons from. They and their experiences, life lessons, and wisdoms …ARE
VALUABLE. Treat them with love, care, respect, and kindness. Pass this knowledge on to your grandchildren.

HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray for all youth who think that all old people are not worth being around. Open their eyes and their hearts to what they are missing in life. By rejecting geriatric adventures, they are cutting themselves off from learning valuable life lessons. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith