Who Me?

Mark 5:28-34 She thought, If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed. Immediately, her bleeding stopped, and she felt in her body that she was
freed from her suffering. At once, Jesus realized that the power had gone out of Him. “Who touched my clothes?” You see people crowding all around you, and yet you ask, “Who touched me?” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened, fell at His feet, trembling with fear, and told Him the truth. He said to her, ”Daughter, your faith has healed you.” “ Go in peace and be freed of your suffering.”

In 1978, after the birth of our second son, I went through a horrific (That’s putting it mildly) period of post-partum depression. It took me almost a year and a half to find myself again.

It’s almost as if I had lost who I was as a person, completely. I always say this quote at a speaking engagement: It’s almost as if God took me apart, and put me back together the way He wanted me to be.

Little by little, I got back into teaching:
*Little School in the Prairie Christian Preschool 81-89
*Working on recertification
*Rehired at Jonathan Alder-Elem Art -1yr.89-90
*Hired as Kdg. Teacher-24 yrs. 90-2014
*Earned my Masters in Ed.

However, on Sept. 30, 1998, my life took on an entire new meaning. God started me on a new, spiritual journey.

I began attending a Weigh Down Workshop group at Columbus Vineyard with my friend Linda. I’d also attended service with her every Sat eve, as her husband worked at Honda, and my husband milked.

Throughout this journey, he gave me the following direction as this scripture was spoken over me…3 different times…3 different people.

Habbakkuk: 1:5 Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your day that you would not believe, even if you were told.

Habbakkuk 2:2-3 Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed
time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it, for it will surely come and will not delay.

When God gives me such a command, so boldly, all I could say was, ”Yes ,Sir. Now how do I go about it?”

On Jan 9 of 2017, I went to visit my neighbor Jenn, for the very first time. She was a stay-at-home mom stuck with 3 yr. old twins, who were
born premature. My husband insisted that I go. “She needs you, Honey.” “She reminds me of you, stuck at home with the kids, during your

Well, Jenn was the one, who started my blog. After I told her my entire story she said, “ You must do this. “ “Let’s roll with this.” “I have the
feeling that someday, someway, this is gonna go really big!”

Well 2 years later I’m blogging and getting bigger. Jenn moved to Dayton. Buffy has now taken over as my Web-Lady and is going to help me grow.

BY THE WAY: I’m hoping that you’ll have my entire story The Erstwhile Acorn available in print next summer.

There have been a few other times, as I went up for prayer at Columbus Vineyard, that certain scriptures were spoken over me. He let me know that I was on the right track, two other times. In relation to the scripture at the beginning of this article, He ordered me to do the following: “Seek Him as did the woman with the issue of blood.” I do my very best, as He ordered.

Another instance was in May, 2014,two weeks before I retired. My cousin was getting re-baptized by immersion at her Vineyard church in
Cincinnati. I went into the prayer room before the ceremony. I prayed with the group of women. As I departed for the baptism, one of the women
stopped me. “The Holy Spirit has two things that He wants me to tell you.”
*The roller coaster is almost over.
*There is a quill that surrounds you.
“Can you interpret these?” I answered, “You bet!” “The roller coaster symbolizes my teaching job.” “I retire in one week.” “The quill is a writing

Since 2014 I sought Him through His Word, and prayed, ”Lord, send me someone who brings me to the pen.” He brought Jenn. Now I have Buffy.
A lot remains to be seen…but I just love to sit back and see what my God does.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Guide me in this adventure. Open the doors that you wish me to walk through. Continue to bring the people into my life to spread YOUR LIGHT. Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith