“You Know The Lord, Don’t Ya, Hun?”

Luke 1: 76-79 And you, my child, will be called a prophet of The Most High; for you will go on before The Lord to prepare a way for Him, to give His people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercies of God by which the rising sun will come to us through heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.

It was an average day. I went into town to Kroger’s, to pick up a few things.  As usual, I always ask God to use me at a checkout line, or anytime someone gives me a service.  I try to bless that person big-time, because dealing with the public is not pretty.

Praise God, I live in the conservative, deplorable states. Most of the people I deal with are countrified and courteous.

As I was checking out, there was a woman in front of me using food stamps. The checkout person sent someone to find a product for her. “It’ll be a few minutes,” the cashier commented.

My response: “It’s no big deal.”  “I have all the time in the world.” “People need to relax, be courteous, and show kindness to one another.”

The woman looked and me and questioned, “You know the Lord, don’t ya Honey?” “You bet!”  “He’s the reason I move, and breathe, and have my being!”

We had a wonderful conversation about the need for prayer for our country.  We agreed that all of the fake media is Satan’s last attempt.  

I gave her one of my business cards, and shook hands as we departed.  When she walked out the door she turned and exclaimed, “Just pray and watch what our God does!”  What was so cool: I not only witnessed to the woman and the cashier, but also to a few others in line. 

Last week the FEDEX Man dropped off a package.

It was 98 degrees in the shade.  I went to the door and before he even walked up I exclaimed, ”Oh Sir, God bless you in this heat!” The eyes of this sweet, African –American pierced mine. “What Ya say,Mam?” “I said, God bless you, Sir working in this unbearable heat!”

“Wow!” “God bless you too, Mam!” “No one has ever said that to me on this route.”

“You’re kidding me!” “You are working hard, and no doubt providing.” “Haven’t people around here shown you kindness?” I inquired.

Tears actually welled in his eyes.  “Well you’re the first, Mam.” We had a small conversation. I shook his hand and replied, ”Well my friend try to keep cool and have a blessed day.” “You too my Friend.”  “You made my day.”

Mother Teresa said to “Do little things in a big way, to bless others.”

After all, it is the little things that we do for one another that mean the most.

AND ONCE AGAIN….a divine appointment.

As I was writing this article yesterday, July 18…My Tom comments before he goes outside,” Keep your phone ready to video.” “The Crop Dusters are going to be all over the corn today, so take good videos.”

As I heard the roar of the plane, I ran outside. First, he was flying over the back-fields. However, when he started dusting across from the house I went outside.

There was a semi parked on the road and a sweet African-American Driver out of his truck filming. “Are you getting him?” I questioned laughingly.”  “WOW,MAM!” When I heard that thing fly low over me, I thought Holy God, Precious Savior, save me!” I started laughing. “He did it again!” He always brings me these Divine Appointments.”

“Oh, Mam I’m so blessed to be here with you!”  I’m a cancer survivor.” “These folks who scream on the media and create problems; they best be on their knees enjoying a beautiful day, such as this.”

We had a sweet conversation, shook hands, and we said to each other, ”Have a blessed day.”

HEAVENLY FATHER:  I pray that all Americans look upon one another with kindness, love, generosity, and bless them with peace, wisdom, and respect. We are living in a time when Christians are being called out and made fun of. I pray that all true Christians stand firm in their faith.  Amen.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith